Small Info :

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Hey guys! Sorry this isn't an actual chapter, this is just to let people who really like this fanfiction know why it hasn't been updated with a new chapter for a couple days.

Well, to answer, uhh I'm actually really busy with school for the time being before I go off for half-term (next week I break up :D) but yeah. And also to add onto that, I'm actually working on a new fanfiction at the moment! It's not going to be about TF2 this time, it's going to be a Steven Universe fanfiction as I've recently gotten back into the fandom after a while.

So if you have any questions, feel free to ask! I honestly don't mind what you ask, I'll probably answer no matter what lmao

Anyways, yeah, I have no idea what to say now. But the next (full) chapter for this fanfiction will probably be out in either a couple days or even a couple weeks. For the Flowers Fanfiction, I'm actually starting to lose motivation for it which kinda sucks. However I'm still planning out the chapters for it and trying to get motivation to at least make it 1000 words long or over as that's normally my goal with fanfictions.

And if I do ever make any other fanfictions in the future, the fandoms I'll most likely use is; TF2, Steven Universe, FNaF, Coraline, Tattletail
And some others. If you're interested on making a shared/Collab fanfiction with me, then DM me on discord! I honestly don't mind what fandom it is but if it's one that I don't know about or I'm not in it, I'll probably do some research on what it's about and some of the lore so I can get a rough idea of it.

Here's my socials because I'm really bored:

YouTube: @space_0000 / @PocketMedic_MedicMain / @The_TF2verse

Discord: space__0000

Ao3: Ashy_ii

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