15| Basketball

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(The chapter is written by my friend because I know zero shits about sports *no offense* so... Idk)

The arena thrummed with energy as fans from both sides filled the stands, their cheers and chants reverberating through the air like thunder. In the heart of the chaos stood Jungkook, the captain of Crestwood Heights, a titan among men with a fierce determination etched into every line of his face. On the opposing end of the court loomed Baki, the formidable leader of Red Crest, his steely gaze locked onto Jungkook with an intensity that could ignite flames.

As the game progressed, the tension on the court mirrored that of the crowd, with each possession becoming a battleground where every move was calculated and every decision was crucial. Jungkook and Baki, captains of their respective teams, were at the center of it all, their leadership and skill guiding their teammates through the ebb and flow of the game.

In the midst of the intense back-and-forth, both captains stole glances toward the sidelines where you stood, your unwavering support evident in every cheer and every encouraging gesture. Jungkook's heart clenched with a twinge of jealousy as he noticed Baki's brief exchange of smiles with you during a timeout, but he quickly pushed the feeling aside, focusing on the task at hand.

It did cross his brain recently if he really  mattered to you as a friend. As far back as he can remember he never let you feel alone since your arrival and even left his chick's and friends alone just for you and it did hurt him that you simply forget him for a few games you have on head. It's not like he was free the whole time.  He had practices too, and he took time out for you , expecting you to do the same.

At halftime, with the score tied and the stakes higher than ever, Jungkook and Baki found themselves face to face at center court, a charged silence hanging between them.

"You're putting up a good fight, Baki," Jungkook acknowledged, his gaze briefly flickering towards you, who was now waving a Crestwood Heights banner enthusiastically

Baki nodded, a determined glint in his eye. "Same goes for you, Jungkook. But this game isn't over yet."

Their exchange was brief but filled with an unspoken understanding—the battle was far from over, and neither captain was willing to back down.

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