Chapter 32

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"So where did you come from?" Alarice asked Ember and Emery

"Near here." Ember answered while looking a bit messy from eating. Alarice picked the table napkin and wiped the side of her mouth.

"What is the name of your parents?" Nicholas asked

Emery and Ember looked at each other without saying anything. They're like talking to each other with their eyes.

"I'm sorry but we can't tell you." Emery said

"Why is that?" Alarice asked

Both of them didn't talk again so Alarice sighed.

"How are you going back home?" She asked

"I don't want to go home." Ember said teary eyed

"Me too. Father changed when our mother died. And I heard the elder people said that he's planning to go with her." Emery said

These poor kids. They've been going through a lot despite their age.

"Did you ran away from home?" Nicholas asked

Emeber nodded. "I want it here. It's warm here." She said as she snuggled closer to Nicholas

"You can stay here longer." Nicholas said

"We can't. Our little sister needs us." Emery said

"You have a sister?" Alarice

"Yes. She's so adorable! She's 7 months old!" Ember said regaining her energetic tone.

"You must've loved your sister." Alarice commented

"I do! I promise to support her by being her sword in the future!" Ember said

"You know how to use sword?" Asked Nicholas

Ember crossed her arms with confidence.

"They said I'm a swordsmanship genius like my father. I'm the demon queen after all."

"Demon queen?"

"Oh don't mind her. That's just her play. It's a story that our mother used to tell us." Emery said

"Then how can we help you?" Asked Alarice

"Can we stay here for the next couple of days? We won't bother you. We just wanted to stay for a while." Asked Ember

"Of course sweety. You can play with Prince Mael and Prince Naveen. I'll introduce them to you later." Alarice said

Hearing the two names, the twins smiled widely.


Ember was the first princess and Emery was the fourth prince of an Empire. Their mother is a spirit seer and their father is a master swordsman. Both are superior.

Ember inherited their father's swordsmanship and Emery was given the blessing of the great spirit king and is the heir of his mother's home kingdom. Having the blessing of the spirit king he was given a tremendous power. The power to control space and time.

Their life was far from perfect. Their father has two other wives whom despises them. It is said that their father loves his first wife so much that even though she attempted to kill their mother when she was pregnant with them he forgive her and just confined her to her palace.

Their mother was very understanding that she let her be. After all there was a much more pressing concern. A civil war. It was an utter chaos. When they were born, the whole empire rejoice for a while as they both inherit their parents' powerful traits. They said that they will save the kingdom.

The other two wives of their father was very furious. As it seems like the people are forgetting the existence of the first three princes. 

However, none of the princes wanted the throne. The first prince was just like his uncle on his mother's side, he wants to learn music. He was afraid of swords as a result of his mother trying to drill swordsmanship in him at a very young age. He develop trauma holding a sword thus his mother considered him a failure. Luckily, that woman did have another child. The third prince, he was intelligent like their father. Many believe that he's going to inherit the throne but due to excessive greed of the mother and his grandfather as well as excessive training at such a young age his body became fragile thus being incapable of holding a sword. Another failure for the "beloved" wife.

The other wife wanted her child to inherit the throne too. She hid like a snake behind their mother and pretends to be friend and eventually betray her to make her son the emperor. But her son the second prince didn't want to inherit the throne. He loves freedom and sword. He wanted to become a wandering swordsman just like in the fairy tales. He wanted to help people in a different way. But his mother still forces him to join the battle of the throne.

The first and second princes were very close to them. They were protective of the twins as they were children they always hoped for.

They live in both harmony and chaos due to the elders greed. Everything became extreme when their mother was pregnant for the second time. A prophecy came down.

The sixth star have the wit of a true Emperor. The one destined to rule over the golden cities. The one who inherited the exactly half of the blood of the moon and sun. The one who will make the sun burns brighter and the moon pulls stronger.

After the prophecy, the nobles who were on the side of the other princes revolted.

And the emperor's "beloved" first wife did something irreversible. Out of desperation, she conspired with her father to poison their pregnant mother. She was almost saved thanks to the power of the spirit.

But her body was so so much weaker that she died during her birth. The emperor almost became crazy. The only thing that was holding back his sanity is his children.

So he did resolve all of these chaos with brutal force and violence. Something that his dead wife was so against with. But in his mind, who cares. She's no longer here.

He slaughtered all the nobles who were involved in his wife's death as well as their family. Even his other wives was killed by him. He regretted it so much that he let it pass at first when they threaten his dead wife first. And now this happened.

It was a bloody day. Their father came back to his bedroom full of blood and exhausted. The twins was afraid to go near him at first but it's like someone was urging them to comfort him.

That night even with the bloody stench of their father, they slept beside him. In the morning, his father was barely living.

They now treat them coldly. He doesn't even look nor hold their youngest siblings. Despite the comfort of their brothers they were still very scared and worried.

Peace finally descended upon them. But their hearts were heavy from trying to achieve that peace.

Months later, they heard the elders that their father was now very lively and normal. He even had breakfast with all of his children and held their youngest sister in his arms all day.

Then they heard it. Their father crying in his bedroom that night saying that he's going to where their mother is. That everything is ready and he now wanted to rest with their mother.

They were about to stop him but his two brothers told them something.

"You can save father. You have the power of the spirit king Emery. I know this is too much but please. Stop our families so no one has to die. Just please don't kill them." Their first brother said.

And that's the world they came in before their brother asked for their help. And now they have a big mission to do. They need to change the future and save their parents.


Author here! I hope you like this update!!

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