Chapter 37

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It took Alarice a week of nonstop horse riding to reach the battlefield. There she was hurt, saddened and frustrated by the scene.

The knights were all exhausted and full of bloodstains. Most of them were covered in mud and dirt. On a tent deep within the camp, heavily injured knights were gathered. The place was full of groaned from the pained knights.

Though they are winning the war, it doesn't change the fact that the battlefield is a horror for everybody. She get off her horse to go to the heavily injured ones so she can heal them.

One of the knights recognized her.

"Your Majesty! Greetings to the Empire's moon!" He greeted

"Forget the formal greetings. Please guide me to where I can tend to the heavily wounded ones. And call the First prince of he isn't busy." She said

She hurriedly went inside the tent where the heavily wounded soldiers where. The place is reeking of blood. The maids where all so busy collecting the bloodied fabrics and replacing it with new ones. Some are gathering clean waters and some are tending to their wounds.

When they noticed her, they were about to greet her but she raised her hand to stop them.

"Please continue what you're doing and don't mind me." She said

"Who's the one needed immediate healing? " She asked

They guided her to a soldier who was on the verge of losing both his legs. He was in a dire situation that half his face was covered in bandages.

"When the rebels throw bomb at us he use his body to shield a wandering child." Said the maid

Alarice went down on him and heal him. It took her several minutes to completely heal him. The knight opened his eyes and found that he was completely healed. When people saw her powers, they were elated.

"We're saved! We don't need to worry about injuries! " One of the knights said

"You're really amazing Empress Mother. You lifted up their spirits." Mael who just arrived said with his aide at his side.

He was wearing an armour. His blue hair was a bit messy and his eyes were dull. It must be the effect of being exposed to war.

"Aren't you more amazing? At your age you are actually winning a war." She said back and smiled

"Just barely. We have a lot of injured knights and our rations are running low. I've already asked for reinforcements but it'll take days for them to arrive so we need to hold it in for another days." He said

Alarice can't help but hugged him. He has been through so much in just a month.

"I'm fine Empress Mother. We just need to hang in there. The rebel forces only have few soldiers left. If the reinforcements arrived we're going to launch the last attack and win." He said as he hugged her back

"I know you're doing good but I just wanted to hug you." She said

They stayed like that for a while then Alarice let go first.

"When we got home, tell me the whole story. For now I need to heal everybody here." She said

"Please don't push yourself too hard. Father will kill me if something happened to you."

"Oh he won't. He can't do anything, now that I'm here anyway." She said

For the next couple of days, Alarice was so busy tending to the wounded. Mael on the other hand, was busy formulating war strategies and instructing the knights.

In between those days, words that the Empress Consort gave birth to a prince came. The knights became even more lively at the birth of the new prince.

I see. So that's why he can't come. I should've known I'll never be his priority.

She thought. Finally, the reinforcements arrived. New doctors, knights and food rations were delivered.

Then they launch the final attack. It took them days of battling but they managed to win. They won the battle.

They send message to the palace and they rejoice. And a letter came for Alarice.

My dearest Empress,

It breaks my heart on how you runaway and went to the front lines. I am unable to come and get you as I have matters to attend. But please know that it will be the last time.

There will be no next time. This will be the very last time that I'll let you slip away from my grasp.

Alarice felt a shiver down her spine when she read the letter. He really must be very mad.

"Here's your food Empress." The maid said as she handed her the soup.

She was surprised when she smell something unpleasant. She checked and smell the soup again and it's really unpleasant.

Is someone trying to harass her?

"Why does it smell like this?" She asked

"Pardon? But it's made with fresh ingredients." The maid said

She stopped a little bit and taste it but she covered her mouth as it taste also unpleasant. She rushed to a corner and vomits. Her vomiting didn't stop until she fainted.

Ahh.. someone must want her dead.


She slowly opened her eyes. She saw the ceiling of the tent. It was very quiet. She tried to get up but lay down again as she feels dizzy.

"Please don't get up too quickly empress mother." A voice said

Alarice turned her head to the voice.

"Mael. Did someone poisoned me?"

Mael just sighed.

"Please rest more. You've been exerting yourself too much. I've already given words to the palace about your condition. Father must be on his way here." He said

"Why? What's wrong with me?" She asked

Did someone really poisoned her?

"You're doing good. You just need to rest a bit more. You exerted yourself too much and that causes stress to the child inside of you."

Alarice body runs cold.



Hi author here~~

Thank you so so so so so much for reading this, really. For commenting for voting and for following me. I really really really appreciate you all. You all made me sa happyyyy. I thought no one would like this story so it took me month before I decided to finally published thiiis but heyy, look at this. I didn't know a lot of people will like this storyyyyy.

Thank youuuuuuu~

And yeah, sorry for the late update~

-love author ❣️

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