Chapter 36

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While Alarice was locked up, no one was allowed to talk to her or make contact with her. Nicholas knew Alarice too much. He knows what she was capable of. He knew that it was very easy for Alarice to run away if given even the slightest chance.

When the troops are deployed, Alarice didn't say nor do anything. Even when he visited her to sleep with her she didn't do not say anything. He just brushed it off and thought she was giving him the silent treatment.

He thought she just gave up but he should've known better.

When one night he needs to be beside Qashanna, he was woken up by the news that the Emperor's bed chamber is empty.

Holding his sword he tortured the knights that was guarding the room. Their bodies covered in bright red blood of theirs. They were kneeling on the cold floor outside the Emperor's bed chamber afraid for their own lives. This is their true Emperor. It's such an irony that the Empress Regnant was the one who was able to suppress this side of the Emperor but she was also the one who managed to get it out of him.

"How did she managed to escape?" He asked coldly

The knights were trembling in fear from his murderous aura.

"W-we didn't know Your Majesty. We swear that w-we guarded the room diligently." one managed to reason out

"Should I kill you so I can give your heads as a gift for her complementing her skills to be able to runaway from this tight security?" He said like a mad man. His eyes was gleaming with cold piercing stare

Constance tried to step forward.

"Your Majesty, p-please calm yourself. The Empress Regnant left you a letter." She said

"A letter?"

He then carefully opened it.

Your Majesty,

By the time you read this I might already be on my way to the war. I need to do this Your Majesty. It might be unreasonable for you but I really can't let a child sacrifice himself for honor or for the country alone. It is my duty as the Empress to be of his aid. I have the power to do so.

I promise to be back immediately and I hope you will calm down when I go back in you. And please don't blame our servants for it is not their fault. Please have mercy on them.

The letter get crumpled from the grip of Nicholas.

"This is very cute of her." He said smiling coldly. "Hey. constance, How can I caged a bird that is always trying to get away from me?" He asked

"Your majesty please, The Empress was just doing her duties."

"Mhhhh. Should I cut off her wings? Or her feet? But with the power of spirits she can still do stupid things? How about severing her ties to the world? Should I make a staged play that she died and hide her from the rest of the world?" He said not listening to the plead of Constance

Before Constance can said another thing, the rushing Pierre came into the room.

"Your Majesty! It's an emergency, Empress Consort Qashanna was in labor!" He said

Nicholas came back to his senses.

"Your Majesty please. Our mistress badly needs you. She was in so much pain." Cried the maid from the rose palace

He let go of his sword and went to the Rose Palace immediately.

He heard the wailing pain of the Empress from afar.

"What's happening?"

" She went into an early labor all of a sudden and now she lost a lot of blood but she doesn't want to push as she said it was a month too early for her to gave birth." The maid answered

Nicholas broke in of the room and saw the bloody scene. The maids, doctors and nurses were all busy trying to ease the pain of the laboring Empress Consort. The Empress Consort was refusing to to push as what the maids were encouraging her to do

"Qashanna.... You know you have to do this." He said looking at her pained expression.

"I... Argh.. can't! I-it's too early, p-please you majesty D-do something." She begged

But there was nothing he could do. If only Alarice was here to aid the Empress Consort. Ahhh.. just how selfish can he be that he wants all the goods of the world.

"The doctors will do their best to aid our child and you, so you have to trust them. Both of you will be in danger if you refuse to do this " he said

Tears are flowing from her pained and tired face.

"C-can you at least hold my hand through this?" She asked

Nicholas looked at the doctor trying to ask his opinion and the doctor nodded.

The labor went on and on hor hours. All Nicholas did was hold Qashanna's hand and reassuring her that everything's going to be fine.

After all Qashanna's pain and tears a beautiful baby boy was born. However, his cries was weak and the doctors immediately checked up on his condition.

"The Empress Consort was now safe but the new born prince was very weak. We're trying our best to sustain it's life but he probably will live on his life with that weak body of him but if the Empress Regnant treat him he might be able to have a strong body " The doctor said

After all the ordeal. Nicholas looked at his new born son. He was so small and thin that he might just stop breathing anytime.

"Just wait for a little while longer, my son. Your Empress mother will save you." He whispered

"Prepare the horses. I'll go and fetch the Empress myself." He coldly ordered but the maids of the Rose palace stopped him and begged on their knees.

"We beg of you your Majesty. Our mistress will need you when she woke up. Please, please, she will need your mental support when we told her about the prince's condition." They said

Nicholas gritted his teeth.

"Out of my way!" He ordered

"Please we beg of you. Please think of our mistress. You can kill us for our actions but please, choose our mistress." They continued begging

Nicholas looked at the weak Qashanna lying on her bed with still blood on it. He then looked at his weak new born son on the crib.

They're right, Qashanna needed him more right now. Alarice was strong and wise enough to conquer any ordeal that she might face on the battlefield. She was with Mael who was a sword genius and the best knights of the empire.

Alarice will be fine. With that thought he decided stayed in the palace and take care of Qashanna.


Hi author here. We're on our 6K reads!!!!! And rank 6 on royalty genre. As a gift of appreciation I updated earlyyy!!

Thank you so so much and I really really do appreciate your comments, votes and reads. I just really hope this story is worth all your time and I'm trying my best to make this story interesting.

Feel free to comment on what you think about these characters hihi. I wanna know what you think about this storyyyy.

And by the way, this story is nearing it's end. I think it only has at most 10 chapters and I'll write side stories or special chapters after this.

And also, I'm now planning to write another story. It's entitled ADRIFT . I hope you'll also support that story. Thank youuuu!!

You can follow me for more updates .

-love author ❣️

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