Chapter 35

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Alarice think about it over and over again. It really didn't seat right with her thay they're going to send Mael to the battlefield.

She knows she doesn't have the right to interfere but Mael was still just a child. She think and think and think. Maybe she can ask Nicholas that she joins the battlefield.

She will be of great help for she can heal those who are wounded. It'll lessen their damage if the troops will be healed immediately. Besides, it is also her duty as an empress regnant to help in government affairs.

Alarice went to dine with Nicholas the next morning. Qashanna didn't join for unknown reason while Elisha was with Naveen. It was just her, Nicholas and Mael.

"Mael..." She started "are you sure about going to the battlefield?"

She heard Nicholas sighed but didn't say anything.

"Yes, Empress Mother. Please let me do my duty as a prince of this Empire." He said

Alarice completely resigned. It seems like this boy already decided to go onto war.

"I know this will be a great burden to you but know that if you need anything, just use the communication device immediately and we'll send any help you need." Nicholas said

"Understood, Father." He said

Alarice stay silent for a while before saying her decision.

"Should I go with you?" She asked Mael


Both of them looked at Nicholas where the breaking sound was heard. There his wine glass shattered.

His face was painted with horror while looking at Alarice.

"Are you really saying that?" He almost whispered

"I have the power to heal. I can be of great help there." She said

"You... just came back from death... You're going to risk your life again?" He said almost completely calm

But little did she know that a storm was brewing inside of him. Nicholas felt like he has a lump in his throat and a whirlwind of negative emotions was in his chest.

"I won't go into the battlefield itself. I will just help heal-"

*Crash* *crash*


Alarice was taken aback when Nicholas suddenly shove his plate stopping whatever it is she was saying. He then looked at her with different emotions in his face and he almost gently grabbed her shoulders.

"Are you that angry at me that you're going to keep on tormenting me?! Why?! Just why?!" He shouted at her face

He was so close that Alarice can now see the emotions in his eyes. Pain, betrayal, frustration, disappointment, anger and worry. All painted in his beautiful face.

"What's wrong with you?"

"No! What's wrong with you?! You're always like that! Sacrificing yourself over and over again. Leaving me here behind just watching your back while you go and face the dangers alone. What am I supposed to do then?! Do you expect me to just stand here and accept these idiotic decisions of yours?!"

"We are at this again. It is still my duty as-"

"F*CK your duties and your heroic deeds! Please just think about yourself for once. Please think about me who will be left behind." He pleaded

"Why are you okay with Mael going to the battlefield but not for me?" She asked trying to break free from his clutches but he just tighten up his grip.

"Because he trained directly under me. I know his capabilities and I believe in him."

"So you don't believe in me?"

"I do. I do believe in your capabilities. But I don't trust you that you'll prioritize yourself over others. What should I do for you to stay here where it's safe? Should I lock you up? Should I kill all the people here so you will no longer have someone to sacrifice yourself with? What should I do? Tell me!" He said

Alarice looked at him intently. Everything's a mess. Nicholas was crying. She took a glance at Mael who was also looking worried.

She sighed. She reached for Nicholas' face and cupped it.

"You know you can never caged me in here. Just like how you are not mine nor my lover, I am not yours either nor your lover. Our relationship is purely political, Your Majesty. We both agreed that we must do everything for the sake of this country. That's the foundation of our relationship." She said gently hoping that he will be reminded of the reason behind their wedding

Nicholas felt like a cold water was poured at him. He just realized that no matter how much he tried to convey his feelings it will never reached her. From the start she never had any expectations from him.

They started out wrong and it's his fault and now it's hunting him. This is all his fault. If only they marry each other with a different reason then maybe she wouldn't be like this.

He sighed trying to calm himself. He loosened his grip at her shoulders.

"You're right. Our relationship must be beneficial for our countries. That's what written in our contract." He said as he completely let go of Alarice.

Alarice's face brightened. They now met eye to eye. But then he saw Nicholas grit his teeth.

"Bring me here the contract!" He erupted like a volcano

Pierre immediately bring him a document.

It was their contract!

He then ripped it in front of her.

"What are you doing!" Sh said

"Now, the only contract left to us is our marital vows. Stay here by my side like what a proper wife should be." He said coldly

Alarice was dumbfounded but before she can react, he released another order.

"Lock the Empress to my bedchamber. No one was allowed to talk to her or approached her for a long period of time. Guard the door so she won't escape!"

"Nicholas! You can't do this." She shouted but the knights gently escorted her out of the dining room

Nicholas turned into his son.

"Finish the war as soon as you can so your Empress Mother won't have the chance to do anything reckless. Deploy the troops tomorrow." He ordered

"Affirmative, your majesty." Mael said

Nicholas thought everything is now in his control but a month after the deployment of the troops, they found the bedchambers of the emperor empty.

Alarice runs away.

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