Side Story 2

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It was written in history that under the first female emperor Nyra Maeve von Cilmair , the Philleon Empire thrives. It was their golden era.

The Emperor was wise, strong and compassionate. It was said that she inherited all the good qualities of her parents when it comes to ruling.

She was opened more path for females in their kingdom. Something that she learns from her mother. Equal opportunities.

Growing up, she learned from the maids that she was an accidental child. Her mother got drank after a long day of work and accidentally slept with her father.

But her mother never let her feel that way. She always made sure that she knows that her birth was blessed.

She was very fortunate. Both her parents love her dearly. Her siblings, even though they fought a lot, she cherishes them and they cherishes her in return.

She might be the only one who was revered a a great emperor but for her, it was her whole family that should take the credit. Every piece of her were put together by her family.

She was really fortunate.

However, since she was a child, she constantly see her mother looking at the window. She was like searching for something.

When she asked her one time what she was looking at she answered...

"I was wondering how it feels like to to be free."

Nyra didn't understand that time what she said but as she grew up she notices more and more the solitude of her mother inside the palace.

She was happy when she's with the three of them but always sad when she's with her father.

Even though her father tried his ver best to be sweet to their mother, she just won't budge.

That was when she can no longer take it. She cannot afford to see their mother become wasted inside the palace.

She suggested that they got a divorce.

Weeks later, her mother went back to their home country together with Emery. Ember and her was left alone in the palace but she's fine.

She wanted her mother to be happy.

But now... Her father resides in her mother's chamber. All he did was work, eat and sleep. During his free time he will just stare through the window where the palace's gate is seen as if waiting for someone.

"I'm sorry father. I was the one who suggested the divorce to mother." She one day said

Her father was once again looking through the window.

"It's not your fault. I was the one at fault. My selfishness, obsessiveness and greed. You're mother just got fed up on me. I exhausted all things to make her fall in love with me again but it was to no vail." He said without looking at her

It was said by her nanny that his father was so delighted when the one mistake resulted in her conception. He thought Alarice will now open up to him but reality is much cruel.

Alarice was still distant and indifferent.

His father did all he could think of doing to make her mother's heart beat again for him once more but it took him so long that it's now shriveled and dry from pain and neglect. It can no longer be revived.

"Why don't you write mother letters?" She said

"She won't give me an answer." He replied

"You've been rejected by her for almost two decades. Why would it matter if she didn't answer your letters?"

Nicholas finally looked at her. He then smile a little.

"Then perhaps it's a good way to kill time instead of waiting for nothing." He said


There was also another child who became the poor victim of all the things that happened.

He saw his own mother being dragged away by the knights on the command of his beloved Empress Mother. He was betrayed by the elders who he thought adored him. His family was stripped down of their title and his mother suddenly disappeared. Most likely dead.

His grandfather grew angrier from what happened to his daughter.

Naveen grew up spoiled and love by many. At least that's what he thought. He was cherished by his mother and grandfather trying to push him to the throne.

But he always politely said he didn't want to take on the throne. After all he loves his older brother. And he thinks that he was more suitable to be the heir.

Everytime he shows his disinterest to the heir position he will see her mother's expression darkens but only for a while and always smile after so he brushed it off.

He thought that his life is now perfect. His mother loves him. His father loves him. Empress mother adores and spoils him. His grandfather showers him with gift and his older brother was very close to him.

But one day everything changed. That was when his mother get dragged by the knights in front of his eyes.

He didn't know why. Resentment started sprouting in his heart.

"It was the Emperor and the Empresses' fault. They killed your mother. You must take the throne so you can avenge her!" That's what his desperate grandfather's plea.

He was scared but at the same time angry and confused. Why would they do that to his mother?

When the Emperor tried to persuade him to choose him over his grandfather he refused. He believed he also contributed to what happened to his mother.

His grandfather who was stripped down of his title and all his assets got confiscated was now living in a far away city. He went with him.

Life there was not easy. He was no longer a prince that has maids to serve him in his every breath.

It was hard. There was a time that he vowed to get revenge.

But a silver haired foreigner girl cleared his clouded mind.

"You're a crybaby when you were a kid but now you're an idiot. Shall I tell you what really happened?? I'll do you a favor since you grew up so handsome."

The twenty-year old lady with silver hair and black eyes said teasingly and arrogantly. She was someone who was travelling and accidentally saw him inside the forest gathering woods.

"You... Hiciel Yang." He muttered

That's when everything changed in his world.


Hi! I'm back with a side story hihi.

And I'm so so so so so so so so happy that the reads of this story is still growing~~

Thanks so much guys!!

Another side stories will be released tomorrow.

Nightyy~~ 😘

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