Chapter 40

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Alarice sat on her bed inside the tent she was residing. She was still holding the letter.

Should she feel disappointed? Did she even have the rights to? She's really tired. Nicholas coming for her is her last straw. She thought that if he comes for her she's willing to give birth to this child even with all the odds.

And now this happens. Maybe the heavens are telling her that birthing this child will do her no good.

She touched her still flat belly.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I didn't pick a better man to be your father.

"Empress mother? Can I come in?" Asked Mael outside

"Yeah." She answered weakly

When he went inside he saw the gloomy state of Alarice holding a letter.

"What's wrong?" He asked

Alarice didn't say anything and hand him the letter.

"Do you really think it's safe for me to have this child? I don't have the confidence to protect this child from everyone who hope for my demise. Your father will never choose me over your mother." She said bitterly after a while

Mael was silence for a while. Alarice was right. His father cherishes his mother too much that he allows her abuse on him as he felt pitty for her. He'll definitely forgive her if something happens to the child Alarice was carrying.

But is abortion their only option? Is it really the right thing to do?

Then Mael had an idea.

"Empress mother, you're right. Having the child dead is our only option." Mael said

Alarice looked at him confused. For a while she felt a pang on her chest. She's having second thoughts. Is it really okay to kill this innocent child? She felt warm inside her whenever she thought of caressing a small, soft creature in her arms. A very adorable tiny one holding her fingers with it's little hands.

Ahh.. she might've already love the child before she knew it.

Mael smiled secretly. He knew that Alarice cannot really abort the child.

"We'll make father think that the child is dead." Mael continued

She looked at him with him frowning.

"What do you mean?" Alarice asked

"It's as I said. We'll make it looked like you had a miscarriage. Then you'll stay here until you gave birth in secret. I'll can take care of them once you recover for a while. I'll make an excuse for us to stay here a bit longer until you gave birth and I can just say that I need a vacation as a compensation for winning the war so I can take care of my siblings for a while. This will also allow me to investigate my grandfather without much suspicion." He explained

"That's dangerous. We can get discovered anytime." She said

"We'll be careful. It's the best shot we have for my unborn sibling's safety." He said

Alarice was silent. He's right. It's a crappy plan but if things went right, it can guarantee the child's safety for a while, and it can buy her time to think for a much better plan.

And besides... She don't think she really has the heart to kill the life inside her.

"Okay, We'll go with your plan. Let's discuss the specifics." she said


Weeks after, the delegation Nicholas sent to get Alarice came back with only a letter.

Emperor Nicholas,

As you know, the rebels are still not suppressed hundred percent. The first prince Mael and I will stay here for a little while longer to clean up this mess. We have suspicions that they might be traitors within the nobles in our country so please investigate that in your end. We will also do our own investigation here.

I won't come back for the next few months. You don't have to worry about this child, for this child is someone we don't need.


Nicholas trembled reading the letter. He paled as he read every bits of word. That's right, from the start Alarice never wanted to have his child. Why would he think that she'll care for them?

He should've gone out himself so he can drag her to the palace for her safety.

But there's still time. He can still drag her back. He tear the letter apart.

"Call the remaining knights! We'll go to the battlefield right now!" His orders erupted

You can't just carelessly throw away the life of my child, My empress regnant.

But when he was on his horse, a maid from the rose palace came rushing.

"Please , your majesty! The third prince is having a seizure and the Empress Consort is being hysterical because of her child! Please! Please! They need you!" She said begging

Nicolas clenched his fist. What should he do? Who should he choose?

He's not a doctor so Qashanna will be fine with all the best doctors attending her and the child and he can have the knights get Alarice to go home.

"Your majesty please!" The maid continued begging

He closed his eyes tightly and sighed.

"Tell the knight to not go home without the Empress Regnant! I'll behead them myself of they failed to get her here." He ordered

The maid's face brightened as he get off his horse and went to Qashanna. This is something that he regret doing for the rest of his life.

Because Alarice went home to the palace after several months wearing all black and holding a dead child wrap in a black fabrics.

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