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At the edge of the distant galaxy lies the Asteroid Belt, shrouded in mysterious beauty. Millions of glowing asteroid rocks shimmer in the sunlight, creating a spectacular sight. Yet, behind the captivating beauty spread before the eyes, lurks unexpected danger. This asteroid belt is known for its high density and irregular movements, threatening any object that crosses its path.

A white spacecraft is seen swiftly maneuvering among them. The spacecraft is round-bodied, with two wide wings on its left and right sides and a elongated cockpit at its end, resembling a white swan at a glance. The spacecraft zooms wildly at high speed, passing through every cluster of asteroids ahead. There is a red light near its tail. Shortly after, the tail explodes. It seems that the spacecraft is indeed damaged.

However, the pilot seems skilled enough. He manages to control the spacecraft with drastic maneuvers to avoid the lurking dangers. The spacecraft moves its nose upwards, rotating on its lateral axis, avoiding the asteroids in front of it. But this movement causes the spacecraft to glide towards another asteroid. The left jet of the spacecraft emits blue light, pushing hard, rolling the spacecraft to the right, enabling it to avoid several other asteroids blocking its path.

However, a cruel fate decides the fate of the spacecraft. Two asteroids suddenly collide violently, releasing sparks and flying rock fragments around them. The sound of booming and rumbling is heard inside the spacecraft as the asteroid rock fragments strike the left wing of the spacecraft. The pilot seems to lose control. The white spacecraft lands heavily on a fairly large asteroid. The violent impact causes the spacecraft to break into several pieces scattered on the surface of the asteroid. Like fleeting fireworks, small sparks float in space.

However, among the scattered debris, a large intact piece of the spacecraft is still visible. From there, a door opens, providing a way out for someone trying to exit. A young man in white space suit is seen stepping out with shaky steps. In his right hand, he tightly grips a thick and worn pocket book.

With trembling steps, the young man tries to rise from the shattered wreckage of the spacecraft and walks towards a large rock, which then becomes his support. He feels exhaustion piercing his body. In silence, he presses the book against his chest with both hands, holding it tightly.

After a few moments of silence, the young man slowly began to control his emotions, mastering himself. He drew closer and sat up straight, assuming a more comfortable position atop the large rock nestled among the wreckage of his spacecraft. His gaze swept his surroundings, recognizing the shattered and debris-laden environment. He sensed the gravitational force on this asteroid. It meant the size of this celestial body was quite substantial.

Carefully, he rose again and walked towards the scattered debris of his spacecraft. His heart filled with hope to find something that might still be useful. Finally, his eyes fell upon a backpack that had fallen and was not too damaged. Relief washed over him. With a pounding heart, he picked up the backpack and began to inspect it. Inside, he found several supplies that might help him survive in this challenging situation.

He turned on the small flashlight attached to his helmet. His gaze shifted to a small water bottle lying among the wreckage. He carefully retrieved it and checked it. Miraculously, the bottle was still intact, and its contents were still in good condition. Without hesitation, he attached the water bottle to his space suit. Fresh water began to flow into the straw connected to his helmet. He sipped a small amount of water, quenching his unbearable thirst, and instantly felt more refreshed and energized.

The young man's hand then turned to the pocket book he had been tightly holding since he emerged from the wreckage of the spacecraft. Gently, he opened the last page. His eyes skimmed over something written there. In silence, he closed the book and sighed with relief, knowing that he was one of the few still alive after such a terrible event.

He looked up at the sky, gazing at the vast expanse filled with stars. The universe was so vast and boundless, and here he stood, living with gratitude in this unexpected moment. He felt the vibrancy of life flowing within him, reminding him that every second he experienced now was a precious gift to be cherished.

He raised his left hand. A display screen appeared on the digital monitor on his wrist, showing a space map. Clearly written, with softly glowing blue letters slightly floating, was the star system where he was located. Sector FAJ-010, Lyra Novastrum System, Asteroid Belt, Veridian Planet Zone.

"Quite far I've flown. Is this what it feels like to be far from home?" the young man murmured, speaking to himself as he tried to put his book into the backpack he had picked up earlier.

Suddenly, he felt a vibration beneath his feet. In an instant, the rock on which he stood was lifted up, disrupting his balance and forcing him to fall to the ground. The unexpected shock made his heart race.

From behind the lifted rock, surprisingly, emerged a horrifying creature...

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