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The chasm was so wide that it seemed impossible to leap across. It appeared as a daunting black crevice, emitting an aura of mystery that was both alluring and death-inviting. The young man traced the edge of the chasm, searching for a way to cross it. And there it was—a narrow stone bridge clinging to the edge of the chasm. He only needed to descend a little into the chasm and tread the bridge to reach the other side.

The young man paused for a moment, gathering all his courage. He descended into the chasm, his feet stepping onto the stone bridge. He proceeded cautiously, trying to maintain his balance on the steep and slippery surface.

He was almost across. But suddenly, his footing gave way, and he began to plummet into the gaping abyss below. In panic, his right hand grasped for the rock in front of him. He hung by one hand on the chasm wall, gasping for breath.

Sweat streamed down his face as he struggled to maintain his grip and lift himself back up. The low gravity should have made it easier to lift his body, but the rock he clung to felt so smooth and began slipping from his grasp. His fingers throbbed with pain. He exerted himself to find a strong foothold on the steep chasm wall, but the surrounding rocks seemed fragile and prone to crumbling.

He spotted another jagged rock jutting out on the edge of the chasm, appearing sturdy enough. But his hand couldn't reach it. He quickly removed his backpack and attempted to use the dangling strap to reach the rock.

He swung the backpack strap with his left hand. However, the water tube attached to his spacesuit got caught in the bag. The tube detached, spilling all the water he had. His face contorted with frustration. But at this moment, his priority was to get out of the chasm.

After several attempts, he finally managed to hook the backpack strap onto the jagged rock. Now he had to lift his body to reach the chasm's edge.

His left hand clung tightly to the backpack strap. With all his strength, he tried to lift his body. He released his grip with his right hand and reached upward as far as he could. With determination, he grasped the chasm's edge that he managed to reach.

After a grueling struggle, the young man finally emerged from the chasm. He collapsed onto the ground, gasping for breath, feeling the adrenaline still coursing through his body. His face was pale, and his eyes reflected the fear he had just experienced. His life had nearly been claimed by the ordeal.

The young man sat on the edge of the chasm, heaving a sigh of relief. He decided to pause for a moment and rest. In the silence enveloping the asteroid, the stars of Lyra Novastrum slowly began to fall, illuminating the once pitch-black terrain with golden light. Although the light provided some illumination, the sky remained black, reminding the young man that there was no atmosphere to scatter the light. His spacesuit was the only protection from the air pressure and extreme temperatures that gripped the asteroid.

He glanced at the digital monitor on his left arm, which indicated that there was only enough oxygen left for one more day. The awareness of the oxygen limitation made him more determined to leave this place as soon as possible.

With unwavering resolve, the young man continued his journey, traversing the asteroid while there was still light to aid his vision. His eyes scanned every corner of the asteroid, hoping to find something to lead him out of this place. He knew that time was his enemy, and he had to find a way back to the world he left behind. With a heart full of hope, he continued walking amidst the expanse of rocks spread out before him, searching for a way to survive this unexpected situation.

As the sky dimmed and darkness shrouded the asteroid belt, the young man's steps grew weaker. The onset of night added to the challenge, as he relied solely on the flashlight on his helmet.

Thirst gripped every fiber of his being. His lips were dry and cracked, and his throat felt as though it were burning with unquenchable thirst. Each step he took felt increasingly heavy. He felt every drop of sweat trickling down his forehead and neck, adding to the unbearable thirst.

His face was now filled with expressions of exhaustion and despair. His gaze was empty, devoid of hope. It was as if every ounce of his energy had been drained by this cursed asteroid.

He tried to suppress his thirst, hoping that perhaps, just maybe, he would find an unexpected water source nearby. However, the asteroid was nothing but a chunk of rock. There were no green plants or flowing rivers on its surface, only barren rocks and dust. If there were any living creatures in this place, they were only giant octopuses ready to devour him. His heart and mind struggled between fear and hope.

When all seemed bleak, something caught his attention. In the distance, he saw a faint bluish light emanating. The light resembled a star rising in the darkness, providing a tangible hope. He felt a surge within him to reach that light, as if it were his life's purpose to achieve it. Without hesitation, he quickened his pace towards the light. The fatigue he felt earlier seemed to vanish. Now his body leaped, buoyed by the low gravity of the asteroid. Each leap was filled with tension and fear, as he could fall into unseen pits or ravines, or stumble into traps set by dangerous alien creatures.

The blue light grew brighter and closer with each leap the young man took. With leaps growing farther and a heart full of hope, he finally reached the source of the light. A spacecraft.

He found a group of space explorers who were exploring this asteroid. He now stood amidst the group, who were surprised to see him emerge from the darkness of the asteroid.

Someone stood in his way...

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