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The woman appeared seasoned, her physique robust. She possessed a graceful countenance, with tendrils of red hair peeking out from her helmet's visor. A hearing aid was affixed to her ear. Tall and muscular, every move she made bespoke skill and agility. Clad in a snug, ash-gray spacesuit, she resembled a figure who had traversed asteroids for years.

The suit hugged her form perfectly, accentuating both her elegance and toughness. High-quality fibers clung tightly, shielding her from the perils of this harsh and unforgiving environment.

In her right hand, she held a metal detector, a faithful companion to asteroid miners, aiding in the discovery of precious minerals and other valuables amidst the countless rocks.

Yet, the most striking feature was a small crystal affixed to her back. The crystal flickered with a gentle blue light, infusing energy into her spacesuit. Its glow radiated around her, creating a magical and captivating shimmer, hinting at the power and wonders concealed within her graceful figure.

In her presence, one could sense an aura of courage and authority. She stood out from the rest. It was evident that she was the leader of this group.

"Easy now, calm yourself. Can you hear and understand what I'm saying? Who are you, and how did you end up here?" the woman inquired with a worried yet curious expression. She transmitted communication signals from within her helmet.

Lowering his gaze, the young man introduced himself with breathlessness, "I'm Ganesha, stranded on this asteroid after my ship crashed. I need help getting out of here."

The woman gazed at Ganesha with a piercing stare, trying to comprehend how a young teenager could be trapped in a place like this.

"We'll help you, Ganesha. I'm Captain Rhea," said Captain Rhea in a friendly tone. Ganesha felt relieved to hear the positive response, and Captain Rhea promptly guided him into the spacecraft.

Upon closer inspection, the spacecraft appeared truly unique. It was long and sleek, resembling a missile. At the front of the spacecraft was a flight deck with sturdy transparent glass panels. The large glass windows glowed like giant eyes. Its body was angular and sharp-edged, like blocks of buildings fused together. It sparkled with blinking blue LED lights running along its length. Two wings folded upwards, standing firmly on both sides of the rear of the spacecraft. At their ends were small thruster rockets ready to provide extra propulsion when needed. Not only that, the spacecraft was also equipped with additional propulsion systems mounted at various parts of its body. The rear of the spacecraft looked quite menacing. Several rocket engines were arranged around the main rocket, which was quite large. Advanced sensors and antennas crisscrossed the spacecraft's body, resembling a futuristic spider's web.

"This is Captain Rhea, we have a survivor on the asteroid. We'll bring him back, following the code of ethics," Captain Rhea spoke through the communication device in her helmet to the crew inside the spacecraft.

They entered the spacecraft through a large door, where various metal crates and mining tools were haphazardly placed, yet still organized into small groups. It reminded him of the flea market back in his hometown. Ganesha also noticed several rifles and energy pistols lying among the cluttered racks. Whether for efficiency, easy access, or just carelessness, this place seemed to be the spacecraft's terrace, where the explorers put their items for easy use. This place was still part of the vacuum space. An oxygen-tight space was hidden tightly behind a double airtight door.

The smaller double airtight door, smaller than the previous one, opened. The distinctive whistle sound caused by the gas discharge entering the cabin was heard. Captain Rhea removed her helmet. Her curly red hair was tied to the side of her head. Ganesha also removed his helmet, and the door opened.

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