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Captain Rhea watched in disbelief as giant octopuses the size of humans emerged from behind the surface of the asteroid. Their dark bodies and their abundant numbers posed a real threat to the exploration group.

"For Lyra's sake! What is happening here?" Captain Rhea uttered with a voice full of confusion.

"Skilla, Captain! We need to get inside the ship and leave this place immediately!" exclaimed one crew member with a panicked tone.

"Everyone, combat alert! EVA Suits! Now!" commanded Captain Rhea firmly, clutching a weapon in her hand.

Ganesha quickly donned his helmet. Everyone returned to their respective positions. Captain Rhea, wearing her spacesuit, promptly exited through the airtight double door.

"Banka! Mundi! Take your positions! It's time for you to earn your pay!" Captain Rhea called out to two individuals who appeared to be warriors. Their appearances were starkly contrasting. One was small-bodied like a child, while the other was large and muscular.

"Banka! Head up top, protect the crew outside!" Captain Rhea instructed the small-bodied warrior who wielded a long-barreled precision laser weapon.

"Aye, Captain!" Banka exclaimed with a high-pitched voice. Hearing this, Ganesha became increasingly certain that Banka was indeed a child.

"Mundi!" Captain Rhea called out the name of the large-bodied warrior. Mundi nodded without speaking. He stood, lifting his automatic laser weapon. The weapon had multiple rotating barrels. Despite its size and apparent heaviness, Mundi lifted it effortlessly.

"Banka! Head up top, protect the crew outside!" Captain Rhea commanded the small-bodied warrior wielding a precision long-barreled laser weapon.

"Aye, Captain!" Banka exclaimed with a high-pitched voice. Hearing this, Ganesha became even more convinced that Banka was indeed a child.

"Mundi!" Captain Rhea called out the name of the large-bodied warrior. Mundi nodded without speaking. He stood, lifting his automatic laser weapon. The weapon had multiple rotating barrels. Despite its size and apparent heaviness, Mundi lifted it effortlessly.

The remaining explorers outside the ship quickly scrambled to get inside, while Captain Rhea and a few other crew members remained outside, protecting them. Their weapons lit up, raining precise shots upon the Skilla swarm.

The Skilla swarm attacked the crew with their fierce tentacles. Some tried to fight back with their respective weapons. Energy lasers rained down, creating flashes and thunderclaps that shattered the darkness of the asteroid. However, their attacks seemed futile as several crew members began to fall, lying wounded on the ground from the onslaught of the alien creatures.

One crew member who had fallen was ensnared in a Skilla tentacle. The creature dragged them towards its beak-like mouth, ready to devour them. In an instant, with remarkable precision, Banka aimed his long-barreled laser and fired directly at the Skilla's beak. A beam of laser light shot out swiftly, like lightning, destroying the Skilla's mouth.

"Don't worry, friend! We'll protect you!" Banka exclaimed through the communication device, his voice sounding childlike.

The creature writhed in pain, releasing its grip on the tentacles. Captain Rhea quickly pulled the crew member to a safer location.

Banka chose a highly strategic position at the end of one of the ship's sensors. From there, he had a wide view and perfect distance to rain deadly laser shots upon the Skilla swarm.

Despite the Skilla's swift and agile movements, Banka countered them with his agility in adjusting the angles and power of his long-barreled laser shots. He ensured each shot hit its target with remarkable precision.

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