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As they drew nearer, Ganesha realized the immense size of the space object. Its diameter was so vast, perhaps around 100 or 200 kilometers. Ganesha was awestruck by this extraordinary scale. He felt like a mere speck of dust in its presence.

"How astonishing its size is," Ganesha whispered in uncontrollable awe. "I can hardly guess how big and heavy this object is."

The satellite appeared majestic and sturdy, as if it were a faithful guardian of the Veridian planet. The encircling ring around the satellite resembled a crown that exalted its grandeur. With the reflected light caressing its metallic body, the ring spun gently, creating a mesmerizing play of light. In the midst of the ring, there stood a tall and slender structure resembling a spear. The spear looked unyielding, standing upright towards the planet's core, as if daring to pierce it.

Captain Rhea glanced at Ganesha, who was captivated by the magnificence of Prima Nova. Captain Rhea's eyebrows furrowed, as if he had many questions to ask Ganesha. But he decided to postpone them until the right moment.

Captain Rhea's damaged aircraft continued to approach the Prima Nova satellite. Ganesha felt anxious and apprehensive. How could they land with the aircraft in such a dire condition? The question lingered in his mind.

Suddenly, a loud voice came from the aircraft's communication device. Ganesha paid attention to the message. The voice seemed to be from a satellite officer on duty.

"This is Prima Nova. Ilish, you are deviating from the aircraft landing path. Please confirm," the officer's voice conveyed sternly.

Captain Rhea promptly responded to the message, "This is Captain Rhea from the Ilish aircraft. Our aircraft suffered severe damage from an asteroid. We request assistance for landing."

The voice of the satellite officer was heard again, "Oh, Captain Rhea? Are you back from asteroid G-701?" the officer said with surprise in his voice. Ganesha observed Captain Rhea's slightly tense expression. He felt that something was amiss with this situation.

"Is that Milis?" Captain Rhea exclaimed. "Hey! I demand accountability!" he shouted loudly through the communication device. "We were almost killed out there! There was a pack of Skilla on that asteroid. Those octopus monsters nearly destroyed our aircraft! We were lucky to escape! What's wrong with you guys! This shouldn't have happened if you did your job properly!"

The satellite officer promptly responded to the reprimand with a slightly trembling voice. "Captain Rhea, I sincerely apologize for this incident. We will immediately send assistance to repair your aircraft and provide further explanation. Please be patient."

Captain Rhea took a long breath, trying to calm himself. He knew that his anger would not help the situation. "Thank you, officer. We will wait for your assistance. We greatly appreciate a swift resolution," he said calmly.

Ilish continued its journey towards the Prima Nova satellite, hoping that help would soon arrive to repair their aircraft and provide an explanation for the incident that had nearly taken their lives.

Suddenly, several small aircraft appeared around them. These small aircraft were much smaller in size compared to Captain Rhea's aircraft. Like small birds encircling their parent, these aircraft adeptly and precisely attached themselves to the body of Ilish.

With a strong locking system, they connected tightly to each other. A series of pipes and cables linked these small aircraft to Ilish, ensuring the transfer of energy and information needed during landing.

As Ilish drew closer to the tip of the satellite, these aircraft carefully activated the small rockets mounted on their bodies. The rockets throbbed and burned a special fuel that provided additional thrust to Captain Rhea's aircraft.

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