[08] Impending Dangers

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This letter belonged to who now?

With a baffled expression, you stared at Elias and waited for the chance that the male would correct himself. But you knew you were just trying to rationalise the situation. This was Elias, an individual with perfect articulation and flawless work ethic. What you heard the first time was definitely right. Reluctantly, you acquiesced and took the letter and a fury of thoughts crowded your mind. You? Participate in the SF (speciality force) trial? That was a clean cut no. Just the idea of it was enough to make you feel nauseous.

Okay, let's think this through.

In the game, the protagonist was chosen as a last minute decision because the chairman saw potential in his teleportation abilities. So, if you were applying the same logic here, what was it about you that landed you an invitation? Was it because you survived the possessions from the vengeful apparition? Was that really it? Sure, you being able to survive a vengeful apparition twice while sustaining little to none repercussions was great and all, but it was most definitely not enough for you to survive the SF trial.

"Elias, what is this?"

You swore you heard a menacing growl underneath Lyle's words. At that, you instinctively backed away from him. Now you weren't sure where to direct your concerns, Lyle or the letter. Elias, however, was impervious to the male's animosity.

"The chairman saw potential in her, that is all," Elias said.

"Potential? You mean how useless she was during the last operation?"

"I personally believe she can be a very useful addition to the team."

Lyle scoffed. "What? As bait? She'd probably fail at that too."

You've never wanted to sock someone in the face and show them a nod of approval at the same time; you didn't want to attend the SF trial so you were thankful for Lyle's protest, but you still didn't appreciate his comments towards you.

Elias was silent for a moment, a contemplative expression on his picturesque features. "Well, it does take courage to willingly allow a vengeful apparition to possess you to buy time," he said. "She also handled the possessions relatively well and suffered minimal repercussions."

Everyone had surprised looks on their faces and many eyes were fixated on you. Your heart plummeted to your stomach. God dammit, Elias. Didn't he say that if he revealed the information your name wouldn't be mentioned?

"That doesn't mean during the possession was a walk in the park," you said, anger prominent in your tone at his revelation. You didn't bother denying Elias's words, there was no way anyone would doubt them anyway.

Elias nodded. "My apologies, that must've come off as insensitive. I simply wanted to commend you for your strength."

You managed to hold back another snappy comment. You saw what he was doing, he was creating an inescapable cage that disallowed you from rejecting the invitation. You were an AEI member, you were supposed to sacrifice yourself for the public. Being given an opportunity such as the SF trial to put forth your life and benefit the citizens was supposed to be honorable.

Refusing to participate in the trial was equivalent to a middle finger to society. Your excuse of 'oh, I'm just a regular support member' won't hold any merit if Elias revealed your potential. Though it was only to a small crowd right now, word goes around fast. Soon the entire AEI would know, then members of the public, then your face will be matched to the information. Unless you wanted to face a lifetime of social ridicule and isolation, you had to attend the SF trial. Well, attending it also meant death, so both options were really unattractive.

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