[49] Truly an Anomaly

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Finn glanced around and assessed the situation, keeping a keen eye on the purple mist that weaved its way through the hole in the wall. It didn't take long for him to discern that it wasn't something he should be breathing in. And even if he did breathe in some, his physique would've given him a little more resistance.

You mentally sighed. Ugh, to be big and muscular.

A young man with pretty long blonde hair entered the scene. Not to overreact or anything, but you thought an angel had stepped in or something. Kein glanced around and when his eyes met yours, they lit up.

"(Y/n)! I came here as promised. Wait, why are you here?" He frowned. "Did I misunderstand the plan again?"

You didn't respond. Well, you couldn't unless you wanted to play the role of sleeping beauty for the next few hours.

"(Y/n)? Are you okay? Did something happen? Why aren't you––oh." Kein chuckled sheepishly and dismissed the mist. "My bad."

You gasped for sweet sweet air. The first thing you did after that was chuckle at Kein. "You're fine, you came according to plan. It's just that something came up." You pointed at Finn. "That's the something."

"Oh! That was not on the plan."

Despite Kein's sunshine smile and lighthearted demeanour, you could only imagine what kind of conflicting emotions were running through him. This was his first time seeing Finn in person ever since he became the forgotten seventh SF member. From what the game hinted at, the two were pretty close. Kein was literally the only one who genuinely laughed at Finn's terrible dad jokes bless him.

"You're..." Finn tilted his head. "That's strange, you seem very familiar."

"That's great!" Kein gave Finn a thumbs up. "Keep that in mind."

Hilariously enough, the tension was almost broken by how confused Finn looked by Kein's comment.

Cecil leaned over to you and whispered. "I understand what you mean by him being good-looking."

You whispered to him back. "Now's not the time, but I yes."

Your attention fell back onto Kein. Despite having his usual optimistic expression, you could tell he was uneasy and hesitant; he had a habit of playing with the ends of his hair when he was feeling that way. However, even without that visual clue, anyone can discern this was a tricky situation. His first reunion with Finn and it was in a situation where Finn was revealed to be an enemy, not an ally.

Kein wouldn't want to fight a friend, and you didn't want to make him.

"Uhm, I'm not entirely sure what's going on," Kein said, looking at you with a smile. "But just tell me what to do! I trust you."


"We'll continue the plan as usual," you replied, fighting back the urge to forfeit all your possessions to Kein. "I'll distract Finn as you and Cecil go. Don't worry, I won't hurt him."

Kein nodded happily. He was giving Amias a run for his money of being the puppy of Anomalous. "Of course! You're a good person, you won't hurt people for no reason."

Well, it's also because my physical strength is like a wet piece of paper compared to Finn.

"Ah, so that's my competition." Cecil chuckled, sharp eyes glinting with amusement at Kein's adorable puzzled expression at his comment. "Well, (Y/n). I'll see you soon. Maybe even take you out on a date?"

You shot him a thumbs up. "If you're paying."

"You drive a hard deal, dear––"

A surge of flames rushed towards you three.

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