[42] Family

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Hold on a minute, you needed to process this.

It has only been just under half a year since Alastor died and became an apparition. Now, you weren't the brightest in maths, but the math ain't mathing here. If he didn't know who that child was––someone who definitely looked older than one––then...

You whispered in realisation, "... Adoption?"

Alastor's breath hitched and his eyes narrowed in anger––the red in them illuminating.

"I knew it." With every word that bitterly slipped past his lips, you could feel the tension grow heavier. "I should've known they would replace me."

Becoming overwhelmed with negative emotions does not mix well with humans, let alone a vengeful apparition. If this went out of hand, there would be a high chance that Alastor would revert back to his previous apparition form; that he would lose consciousness and act based on pure rage. In fact, it was already impressive he was containing his anger to this extent.

"You're going to do the same, aren't you? The moment I'm no longer useful, you'll find some better apparition to help you. In fact, keeping me around does you more harm than good." A bitter chuckle left him. "The moment people find out about your connection with me, everyone will distrust you."

Alastor's words, though exaggerated due to his emotional state, still held a glimpse of his true feelings. It made you mad. Not at him, but at yourself. Sure, you knew of the difficulties of being a vengeful apparition and tried to offer your support, but with everything going on, you had to admit that thinking about how Alastor felt during all of this didn't come to mind as often as it should.

"What's with that apologetic look?" He scoffed. "Did I get it right? I can't even get mad at you for that––a nuisance, that's what I've always been. I would cause trouble for everyone around me. Why was I born with a stupid curiosity for apparitions? That way if I could've not embarrassed my parents, I could've fit in with the other kids, I wouldn't have gotten harassed every fucking day."

Alastor's hands reached for the bandages on his arms, distress on his expression. In this moment, you were reminded that although he was a powerful apparition, he was still just a kid, a kid who met an unfortunate fate and passed away far too early.

"I wouldn't have gotten killed in the end."

You winced. Killed... I guess that's not too far off from how he died.

You did research and used your knowledge of the game to piece together how Alastor became a vengeful apparition. From what you gathered, the entire incident was swept under the rug, but there was a certain accident that led to the severe injury of a student, that student being Alastor. There were simply not enough clues in the game and information available online for you to come to a concrete conclusion on the full story.

"I..." You took a deep breath. "I guess I should start by apologising, huh?"

"You? Apologise?" Alastor looked at you in disbelief. "I knew you were a sympathetic person, but there's a point where––"

"Okay, let me stop you there," you said. "It's not easy being a vengeful apparition, especially at such a young age, I should've taken your feelings more into consideration. It was neglectful of me."

"I..." He took in a sharp breath. "But that doesn't give me the right to yell at you like that."

"You give me attitude everyday, this is nothing."

He glared at you.

You laughed. "There's the Alastor I know."

"You seriously..." Alastor groaned. "I hate you so much."

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