[29] Specialty Force

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It had been less than a day; yet, it felt like weeks since Lyle had stepped foot inside the city. Lyle's hands stung due to how hot it was. Even the gloves were having a difficult time cooling it down. Another thing I should work on. I've been too focused on physical strength. Even if the adrenaline was calming down, Lyle still had his guard up. There was always a chance that the SF trial was not over yet.

Upon entering the city, Lyle would've felt relief upon seeing the familiar infrastructures, felt calm breathing in an air that wasn't teeming with apparitions, and felt less secluded entering civilisation again if it weren't for the crowd of cameras and microphones that flooded the city's entrance.

Camera shutters and flashing lights that jarred against the night, loud chatter from news reporters, and eager shouts from civilians. There were vehement fans scoping out who to idolise, anxious or critical individuals assessing the survivors, regular civilians who were excited to see who survived the SF trial, and so forth.

"What the hell," Lyle mumbled, glaring at the cameras. "Can everyone just fuck off?"

Amias still had you in his arms. His jacket was off and was draped over you. Upon seeing the cameras, Amias placed your hoodie over your face and hid you from the public.

"They're blocking the way," Amias said. "(Y/n) needs treatment."

There was a narrow space for the SF candidates to walk through. A few defence and offence force members were around who were acting as bodyguards to control the crowd, but it wasn't enough.

"Normally I'd like the attention, but even I'm getting a frustrated." Cecil sighed, a hand running through his hair. "I don't look my best as well."

"I can hide you guys from the crowd if you'd like," Finn suggested with his usual friendly smile. Lyle wondered if Finn had somehow hammered it permanently into his expression. How the hell does he not look the slightest bit annoyed?

Cecil perked up. "I'll take you up on that offer."

Sara sighed uneasily, but showed a friendly smile to the crowd before mumbling under her breath, "It's so loud."

Jade nodded, sticking close to Sara. "It'll be over soon."

"It's doing a wonderful job testing my patience," Elias said, his irritable voice drowned by the crowd as he maintained a neutral expression to the public.

Caleb slapped the brunet's back out of literally nowhere. Elias looked too done with life to care.

"You didn't have your coffee, right? I'll make some for you!"

"You always make it too sweet."

"Apparently a single grain of sugar is too sweet for our prince charming here." Caleb nudged Amias. "He's the weird one, right?"

Amias chuckled softly and simply nodded his head.

Diverting Lyle's focus from the others, the device on his wrist flashed and made a beeping sound. Ah, so now it was working properly. It was a real hindrance having some of the features restricted during the SF trial.

I wonder how the technology design division managed to do that. My guess is on Eve.

There was a message on the device stating that the SF trial was over. Everyone had an hour to wash up and do whatever (it didn't actually say 'whatever', Lyle just skimmed through some parts) before they had to go to the main hall for the announcement for the SF trial results.

Unlike during the first phase of the trial and during the banquet, there was a proper announcement that the SF trial was finished. The chairman wouldn't deceive people with such a cheap trick. Meaning, the SF trial was now truly officially over.

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