Chapter- 28

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Jiwoo's body started to glow. A bit by bit, it started to heal. 

After thirty minutes, Cage was finally able to heal Jiwoo's body's physical condition. Her healing powers were soo good that it looked like Jiwoo was never hurt in the first place. Kayden who secretly looking at Jiwoo was shocked but he stayed silent.

"I have physically healed him. As for his core, we can look at it tomorrow as planed. He body is no longer in pain. He must rest well since his body will still experience some aftermath trauma. Other than, he's good as new."

Maybe Jiwoo also felt better since he was no longer frowning in his sleep. He readjusted his position in Cale's lap and went back to his deep sleep. Cale covered Jiwoo properly before resting his back at the back of the bed.

"Thank you miss Cage. You look exhausted as well. Please go back first and rest. The driver must still be downstairs, he'll take you back."

Cage was looking quiet tired after healing Jiwoo.

"I'll go back first then"

Cage took upon that offer and left. 

The room fell in silence. There was no sound except for Jiwoo's soft snores.

"What's bothering you?"

Cale finally decided to break the silence. But Kayden didn't answer.

"Just spit it out Kayden"

"I-"have been thud

After a few minutes Kayden finally decided to speak again.

"It's because of me he's like this. They tortured him to find my whereabouts. Jiwoo is my student that's why this happened to him. If only I didn'-"

"If you haven't met him then he probably wouldn't have been this happy. Only after he met you did he finally started to live his life."

"But if I hadn't been in his life he could have been living his safely"

Kayden bit his lips remembering Jiwoo's painful cries.

"He wouldn't have to go through this"

"Maybe. Maybe, he wouldn't have been tortured like this today. But the question is for how long. For how long he could have spent his life like that. Before meeting you he was living like a doll, hiding from everyone. Sure he was still a good kid that would smile politely but that smile was only full of politeness and nothing more."

"But Kayden, you turned his life for the better. He finally started living like a person. He fot out of his shell. His smile started being full of happiness."

Cale turned towards Kayden and looked at him in his eyes.

"Kayden Break, you gave him the spark of his life. You are the reason why he has been so happy. To him, you're a precious existence that can never be replaced. He loves you soo much, you're like a family to him."

"So, don't try to think what would have happened if you had not been here. You are already here, don't think about what if's. Think how you're going to protect him better. You're his precious teacher after all."

Kayden had some tears coming his face. 

"But what if he got hurt again because of me. I couldn't even protect him despite being here."

"Not matter how powerful awakener you are, firstly you're a human Kayden. Humans are not omnipotent. You could be careless at times but don't let it degrade you. Learn from it and make better preparations next time."

"Besides Jiwoo doesn't get hurt because of you. You are not at fault for people's misdeeds. Even if you were not here, they would have still done the same to someone other. It's their own fault, and they'll pay for it."

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