Chapter 3

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Katsuki sat on the dirty cell floor, exhausted.

He himself was dirty, disgusting, and freezing to death. He should've taken time to dress properly, yes, but he wasn't thinking twice of the actions he was doing back then at the cottage. 

What matters is that mom's okay he thought to himself. As long as she and dad are fine then there's no need to worry about me.

Out of nowhere, the cell doors suddenly open and Katsuki feels himself slightly jolt, wondering what had happened. "What the-"

"Don't worry, it's just me" a voice said. Katsuki recognised it as the first voice from the lounge. "Your friendly candlestick, Denki Kaminari."

Katsuki looked around furiously for a while before he finally realised that the person talking was literally. A candlestick.

"How the fuck are you..?" Katsuki trailed off, unable to finish his sentence. It's the moving objects dad was talking about. "You're an object, how in the world are you moving?"

Katsuki took time to observe the candlestick, and saw that it had some human features.

It had a young boy's face and hair, then the top of his head was fitted to hold a candle. His body was the sleeve of the candle, and his arms extra holders for candles. He was golden-copper from top to bottom, apart from the white candles he had on his head and arms.

Denki scoffed. "A moving object? I used to be human like you, I was just cursed."

Katsuki eyed the candleholder, it was kind of weird having a conversation with something that was supposed to be unanimated. "Cursed? You mean like the beast?"

Denki nodded. "Exactly. He was cursed too."

"KAMINARIIII" a voice suddenly yelled from not far away. Denki froze for half a second but he instantly relaxed his senses. A clock came into view and Denki waved an arm.

"Tenya, my good friend!" he exclaimed.

The clock was made of wood and steel. It had pretty golden patterns on its side and its face was what told time. It seems to have glasses... but they were only a drawing part of the design.

"Do not" Tenya said, stopping him from talking. The pendulum clock looked around and soon realised that the cell was opened. "Kaminari!" He exclaimed again.

"Yes?" Denki answered, acting clueless. 

"You opened the cell!" Tenya shouted, unbelieved. Denki looked at Tenya and then Katsuki, and back at Tenya. "I did? Oops I guess."

Tenya could see the obvious smile that was on Kaminari's face. "How did you even do it?" the clock questioned.

Denki shrugged. "This boy's mother saw me on the dungeon floor stairs as she was exiting the castle and decided to pick me up. She put me down on the small window near the lever and I jumped from there."

Katsuki and Tenya stared at the candlestick, not knowing how to feel. 

"I think I like you" Katsuki said aloud.

Denki smiled. "Who doesn't?"

Tenya was about to raise his hand but Denki slapped it away. "Anyways, we're here to bring you to your new room!"

Tenya eyed Denki. "We?! You are, Denki Kaminari."

Denki shook his head. "No no, we are Tenya." 

"What do you even mean by that?" Tenya questioned. Denki grinned at it. "You always follow me anyways, since you have nothing better to do."

"Nothing better to do than stop you from doing nonsense!" Tenya exclaimed.

The Beauty and The Beast-A KiriBaku Storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن