Chapter 5

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It was 4 in the morning, and Mitsuki had just arrived at the village. Some early birds had spotted her, and were quite shocked at the sight of the lady.

She ignored them though and immediately went towards the cottage she lived in, hoping her husband was alright.

As soon as she had arrived though, the cottage door opened and out came Masaru. He ran to her and she got off the horse, quickly racking it up to a wooden fence.

She ran to Masaru's opened arms, gladly breathing in his scent. "I was so worried..." he whispered in her hair. "I didn't know what had happened to you and Kat-"

He stopped himself from continuing to speak. "Where's Katsuki?"

Mitsuki looked up, tears starting to form in her eyes. "He's with the beast, Masaru. He sacrificed himself for me."

She fell to her knees, covering her face as she let the tears stream down her face. Masaru bent down next to her, giving her a hug. He too was devastated but he had to stay strong; for her, for their son. The ash blonde boy wouldn't have wanted them to cry for him.

A small commotion eventually started to form around the house of the Bakugos. "Ms. Bakugo are you all right? You look terrible!" ... "Poor lady" ... "What happened to them?" ... "Everybody move out the way!"

The voice that had shouted that made everyone turn to look at where it came from. It was an aged woman with gray hair tied into a bun. She was short of height, and was wearing a white cardigan, with underneath a bubblegum pink dress and matching shoes and glasses

"Everybody out the way! They need some space!" she said again, less louder this time.

People did as she said, softly excusing themselves. "Sorry, Ms. Shuzenji."

Ms. Shuzenji was in fact the only doctor in town, that everyone called 'Recovery Girl' for who knows what reason. It made the people I town anxious that if one day she were to leave, there would be no one in town to heal the sick, especially since the youngsters weren't interested in learning medicine.

But no one doubted Recovery Girl and all sort of knew that she had long to live, even though she was old. "Is there a problem, dear? I'm sure you encountered a bad situation."

Mitsuki nodded. "We did. And now our boy payed the price."

"Woah wait a second who?" Dabi's voice suddenly cut in. "Katsuki? How the hell did he get kidnapped?"

"It is none of your business, Touya. Go find your friends and play with them, child" Ms. Shuzenji snapped. Dabi put his hands in his pockets. "Oh you mean Twice, Spinner and Magne?"

He looked the old woman up and down as she nodded. "They're not my friends, I just hang with them."

Sighing, Ms. Shuzenji turned back to Mitsuki, and held out a hand. "Don't worry love, Katsuki is going to be okay." Mitsuki took her hand, letting go of Masaru. "I'm bringing you to see Shino and the others, they'll know how to help you."

Dabi's ears perked at the mention of the ash blonde boy. "Katsuki? What happened to him?" Toga chuckled. "You heard Ms. Shuzenji, he'll be alright."

"This isn't a laughing matter, Toga" Dabi said lowly as he eyed her. She giggled nevertheless, one finger on her mouth. "Sorry then."

As Ms. Shuzenji brought Mitsuki to the 'Wild, wild pussycats' in the middle of town, Dabi and Toga were slowly walking behind them, wanting to hear the whole story. "I could just disguise myself as one of the pussycats and pretend to help" Toga suggested. "You know I'm good at it."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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