First Rehearsal

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Dasom blushes and covers her eyes to avoid showing him tears this time. She wants to be strong and powerful, not overwhelmed. She turns her head away, embarrassed. He steps closer, to try to see her and reassure her. He doesn't want to let this moment pass. He wants her to understand exactly what he's done so they can have this chance to be together.

"You are safe with me, I promise. I'll make sure everything is ok." He looks at her with concern as she avoids his gaze. "No one can control you." She pulls farther back from him and he is forced to release her,  worried he's gone too far, said too much, too soon. He doesn't want to remind her of the danger he thinks she may be in, he wants her to see him and feel comfort and security. She pauses a moment and then turns back to him, a new look, more determined and in control, almost challenging him with her stare.

"You're here to dance with me?" she asks with a wry smile, as if all the worry and sadness was removed from her. She boldly steps closer to him, and moves into position. She stands in front of him, her arms outstretched in an invitation. He looks around him, somewhat confused by her sudden change.

"There is no music," he reasons. She waves off the idea, dismissing it.

"First rehearsals rarely have music, the first moment together as a company is a chance to get to know each other as dancers, a sort of pas de deux, improvised." She smiles at him warmly and it erases his worries. He laughs as he takes hold of her tiny hand. He bows to her, to begin the dance.

She moves close to him, pausing for a beat, and then steps back, setting the tempo almost of a waltz. He smiles, enchanted by her as she keeps his gaze, capturing his attention with a demure smile, and the sparkle in her eye. He feels strong, he feels ready, and he moves with her, allowing her to lead, but supporting her as she spins around him like a delicate butterfly, teasing him with her grazing touch.

"You're so light," he whispers when she moves closer to him. "It feels like you're floating." He watches her absorb his compliment, and lift herself up to spin around several times in pirouette. He claps for her and she pauses and bows to him. "You're amazing!" He can't contain his approval.

"I don't even have my shoes on yet," she feigns embarassment and brushes off the compliment. She looks down at his leg, noticing something is different.

"You aren't wearing the brace, I hope that wasn't too much." She steps closer to him, as if to comfort him. He shakes his head to reassure her.

"I've been given permission by my physiotherapist to dance without the brace. I've come a long way since my injury." He almost whispers, and the term 'injury' seems to stick in his throat. She notices, but still has some doubt.

"You seem ready, but it's our first day together. We can go easy," she offers and it reminds him of something.

"Is there another room we can go to, to talk, alone?" He looks around the stage, remembering being caught here before with Dasom.

She smiles and nods, remembering the dressing room right off the stage where she first met him. She takes his hand and pulls him along behind her toward the room. Lim Subin is standing at the podium where Jimin first saw him, and he blushes, embarrassed to seem to be eavesdropping on them. Dasom ignores this.

"Subinah, is it alright if I use this dressing room?" she asks, and he nods, and busily shuffles some papers left over at the podium.

"It still is your dressing room. Let me know if you need anything, I'll be in my office." He excuses himself and disappears down the corridor.

Jimin follows Dasom inside the now empty room. He looks around the space, devoid of anything that once made it Dasom's. The walls are bare, the counters empty and the flowers have long since been removed. All that remains are the velvet cushioned chairs, now lined up along the wall as if waiting for visitors to return to them. Dasom shuts the door, closing them inside the dressing room. She turns to him, motioning for him to take a seat. She glides into a seat beside him and turns to him, with a very serious look on her face.

Black Swan (PJM) Book 4 of BTS 2026 series ContinuingWhere stories live. Discover now