First Date

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Dasom falls back against him as she feels herself overwhelmed by emotion. Jimin moves quickly to support her, turning her body around in his arms. He recognizes that she's trying to hide that she's crying, but is not able to. He pulls her into his embrace, pressing his cheek against hers and he can feel the wet of her tears on his skin. He quiets her with a soft hush.

"Dasomah, it's ok, you can let it out, you can cry, I'm here, I won't let go of you," he whispers. She lowers her head and sobs quietly against his shoulder as he holds her. He feels helpless to stop her tears, but knows that his quiet touch might be enough for her right now. He has a hundred questions he wants to ask her, understanding that her family is strained, and broken, but he keeps them to himself, sensing that what she really needs is his support.

She sniffles as she pulls back, wiping her eyes dry, and she blushes, embarrassed by her reaction.  She looks up into his eyes and senses only his compassion and understanding. She knows that he has questions, but  he won't ask more of her right now, and that makes her feel safe. She smiles at him, and reaches down to run her fingers over the stones of the necklace.

"You're such a generous person, and I love this beautiful necklace, but I shouldn't accept such a gift."

She leans up to kiss his cheek and it warms him. He recognizes that she is saying only what is expected in this situation. She clasps the Opal tightly, and he knows instinctively that despite her objection, she won't give it up, she won't be parted from it for anything. He doesn't want to let go of her, but he releases his grasp, allowing her to stand under her own strength.

"The moment I saw it, I knew that it had to be yours, like it was meant for you. I'm glad it touched you so," he says, trying to keep her gaze fixed on him. His eyes grow wide as he stares at her, hoping that she will agree to take the gift, and she studies him curiously, wondering why he would give her something so precious so soon. "Please tell me you will keep it, always, and think of me." He realizes she may also think of her Mother, but, he will wait for her to share more with him. Dasom considers, and looks down at the stone, smiling at it proudly.

"I will, it's such a beautiful connection to share." She pulls back to look at the necklace in the full length mirror, adjusting the necklace on her chest as she stares at it, and straightening her clothing. He watches her closely, as she admires the stone, and holds it up to the light, but, he notices that as she looks at herself, at her own reflection, she frowns slightly, and her brows furrow. She looks down quickly, as though she doesn't want to face herself. He recognizes something in her look, something he's experienced, but he can't believe she would feel that too. He dismisses the idea of it as even remotely possible, and he watches as she turns back towards him.

She smiles up at him, as though a mask has been pulled back down, over her feelings. He is comforted by the mask, soon forgetting that moment, and her gentle warmth releases all his fears and concerns, allowing them to float away as she steps closer to him in a slow and graceful dance. She smiles at a private thought, as if deciding whether or not to share it.

"I think you've come into my life at the time I need you most." The words strike him, and he reels from the idea of it, almost swooning. She blushes at her confession. "Maybe it's the wine talking." She giggles and raises her hand to hide her smile. He's overwhelmed by the charm of her.

"Then let's have more!" He nods his head enthusiastically, playfully. She laughs, and wipes the last of the tears from her cheeks.

"If I have any more I won't be able to dance today, and I promised to practice here with you." Jimin takes hold of her hand.

"Let's begin our practice together tomorrow. Today we can just have this time alone, to enjoy each other." The surprised look on her face, though masked by her smile, alerts him to the idea that she might misunderstand his intentions. He laughs at himself, embarrassed. "I mean, we can sit and talk and get to know each other better, have a meal, share the wine...I'm not sure what I have in the house but I can order food," his awkward rambling to cover himself makes her laugh. She squeezes his hand to reassure him.

Black Swan (PJM) Book 4 of BTS 2026 series ContinuingWhere stories live. Discover now