I Had A Thought

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So, you all know about Wepersevere being someone we shouldn't interact with? That idiot who asks the stupid question and antagonizes Americans and religious people? The one who claims to be Danish despite being British through and through? Well, I got a solution for the off chance that she tries to interact with you. Hear me out, it's really passive aggressive.

So I was watching Be Amazed the other day. The video was on how people earned Darwin Awards.

To add context, the Darwin Awards is named after Charles Darwin. If you know, you know. If you don't, look up "theory of evolution." I bet you're asking, "Sonicphobia, what does that have to do with anything?" The Darwin Awards are awarded to people who die in the stupidest ways possible... Limiting the gene pool. And "survival of the fittest" applies here too.

I bet you're wondering why that's important. So, I was watching this new Be Amazed video and noticed that a lot of the Darwin Award winners are located in... Drum roll please... The UK, aka Great Britain.

Now, where is Emmy British located? UK. So, I was thinking, what if we gathered up all of the British Darwin Award winners stories and make a compilation? If that person tries to interact, we simply just divert her attention to said Darwin Award winners stories. Obviously label the book as mature.

Just a really random thought that I came up with. You do not have to do it if you don't want to.

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