im sorry i shouldnt have said that- Jess Park

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It had been eating at me for months and I couldn't hold it back anymore.
I've known Jess since I was 9 and I finally got to play professionally with her, she had just moved back to man city from everton and I could finally play professionally with her but I was terrified that my secret would come out.

I've been in love with Jess for 13 years and I couldn't stand it anymore. The first three months of her here at City were incredible, she lived at mine and Ruby's apartment for the first two months until she got a place on her own and even after she moved, we talked everyday, but all of a sudden she had stopped talking to me out of football, and I had no explanation.
This was the only thing that I could think of and I even messed up in games because of it. I had to get an answer.


I walked into the gym at the time Jess is always there to confront to as to why she's been ignoring me for weeks and the reason slapped me in the face the second I walked in. She was stood in the corner with her hand on Mary's shoulder while they were giggling about god knows what.
I guess I know now.
She's got a girlfriend.
Jess has a girlfriend and she isn't me.

I suppose I had been staring at them for a while because Mary came up and to and waved her hand infront of my face "are you there y/n?" she giggles and I heard Jess sneer "she's always doing that, just leave her" and she swiftly walked out.

I slowly traced her out with my eyes as she strolled out the room when I heard Mary say "jeez that was weird" and I guess that clicked something in me.
"what do you mean that was weird?" I soon replied.
"well the second you walked in she started laughing at my stupid jokes and put my hand on my shoulder when I was just laughing about goats skidding on ice" she slowly said
"hmm anyways I gotta go home and eat" she quickly stated and left.


It's been three days and I couldn't stop thinking
about that. Jess never acts like that. After a while I just got sick of this feeling and I stormed over to her place, after all it was across the street from my apartment. The second I reached her door I banged on it loudly until she got to the door. "what the hells going on" she screeched until she realised it was me.

"why have you been ignoring me for weeks" I demanded

" I literally haven't i've just been busy" she rapidly retorted

"don't start with that I know you're not AND I know you're flirting with whoever's near you when I walk into a room" I said

she stared at me for a few seconds until she said "what are you on about why would I do that"

to which I soon said "oh please Jess, Mary told me you're acting strange with her now can you just tell me what's going on because it's eating me up inside knowing that you're being weird with me especially when i've been in love with
you since I was 9"

She looked at me in shock

What did I just say?

I couldn't have

I couldn't have just confessed my love for her

"i'm sorry I shouldn't have said that, I don't know what I was thinking" I slowly said while taking steps backwards to the door

She stared at me blankly

I've fucked our friendship up

Just before I turned around she grabbed my arm and said "you actually like me?"

"yep" I blankly stated expecting a laugh or to be screamed at

"y/n why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"well i don't know i just didn't want to lose our friendship" I slowly said wondering where she was going

Jess took two steps to me and before I knew it she had grabbed my face and kissed me

"y/n... i've always felt the same, I was trying to make you jealous, but now that I know how you feel would you like to stay over?" she phrased carefully

I took a moment and soon kissed her back to show my agreement.


Two months had passed and i'm in the best relationship of my life, i've moved in with Jess and Rubys boyfriend moved into my old apartment with her and im the happiest i've ever been. Just a week after we finally got together, we told the team and they all cheered in delight as there was finally no random flirting and tension and just a few weeks after that we told the public during an after-match interview.

I've finally been able to express my love for jess and my life couldn't be any better


A/N i know this is likely rubbish but i'm trying out new things, i'm also gonna make longer stories than this because i know
this one was very very short, but im proud of this as a first player/reader story

If anyone reading this wants a story with someone else please tell me and i'll make it happen 💗💗

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