She'll recover. She has to. -Alex Greenwood

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Today meant everything. Today was the FA cup final. Manchester City v Tottenham. Alex v me.
This was our first match against each other since I left city as I didn't get any game time and I was so stressed, as much as I wanted to win with my new team, I couldn't see her lose another final.

I mean she's not won anything in ages and everyone could tell how much it affected her. I had to choose between her and my dreams.

As the match began, I had to face alex as she's a defender and i'm a forward, not fun.

At half time it was still 0-0 so we had to sort ourselves out and quick. In the changing rooms we decided to switch tactics and continuously switch Bethany and I to confuse them so that we could have more opportunities.

And we did just that.

Within 5 minutes of the second half both bethany and I scored a goal each!


Next thing I know it was the 73rd minute and we subbed on Celin for more attack in place of Martha.

Soon enough we had scored our third goal and were even closer to the title. I couldn't be happier!

But one thing caught my eye. In the corner of my eye there was someone on the floor. A city player.

I tentatively turned around as I saw that number.


Alex was hurt.

Within seconds I was on my knees by her side as she cried clutching her knee.

This can't happen.

Not to Alex. Not to my Alex.

Soon enough the medics were by her side and stretchering her off. Fuck.

The last 15 minutes felt like years. I couldn't see her and she needed me.

We won.

Tottenham have just won our first title.

I should celebrate. Shouldn't I?

I mean I couldn't. Alex is hurt.

I stayed out with the girls cheering for a few minutes until Chloe came out signalling to me that Alex was ready for me and I didn't hesitate to sprint straight in.

Within seconds I was in the medical assistance room and as I burst through the medics left the room to give Alex and I privacy. As I laid my eyes upon her, I saw the clear tear streaks down her red, blotchy face. Even now she was the most beautiful person in the world.

"I fucked it all up" she said to me, her voice breaking as she spoke, "they're sure i've torn it. I'm done. I can't go back after this."

What? I mean why would she think that.

Alex began sobbing as I went to her side and began stroking her hair as she clutched onto me,
"hey love, it's okay I promise you, you'll be okay" I whispered in her ear as she held me tighter.

Seconds later the medics came back in and let Alex travel back to Manchester with caution. I had to go with her.

As they gave Alex the protection for her knee, and some crutches, I went back out quickly to give my shirt to a little girl and take some pictures with people before getting the trophy and my medal as Alex watched on with a sad smile, part of me really wished the roles were reversed here. She deserved this more than me.

The second that we had done our ceremony, I let myself leave unnoticed with Alex.
We went straight to my apartment as she had decided to have her surgery here as it was easier for her and then she could stay with me for her surgery recovery, and I couldn't say no.

Alex handled this day with so much more grace than I could have, i'll always love her for that.

As we made our way to the car, a few girls came up to us asking to sign their shirts but thankfully they didn't ask for pictures seeing how we were and soon enough we were out of there.

"y/n." she said as I drove to my place.
"yeah alex?"
"I have to retire. I can't recover from this quick enough, it isn't worth it." she told me defeated.

What was she on about, I mean I know she's 30 but she can still play.

"Alex, I'll support you no matter what you choose and you know that, but you can't throw away your entire career. I know you can recover from this and you know it too, if you're saying this because you're scared of the rehab after, you should know i'll always be supporting you. No matter what." I reassured her as I placed my hand on her leg with a soft look.

Alex simply nodded as she laid her head back to rest, after this long day I just left her be. She needed this rest right now.

She'll recover. She has to. 


A/N: okay guys i have no clue if this is rubbish cause i think it is but im sorry about not being able to post but my phones been absolutely horrible to me as its deleted 4 stories i've written hence why i've given up for a bit!

but alex with an injury was requested a while back and i've got one with alanna half written and will do another one alongside that tomorrow for sure!!!


Also i'm gonna mainly use the conversation part of my profile for requests as they're easier to find on there cause some get lost easier but if you prefer leaving them in comments feel free to leave any!

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