Chapter V

26 5 35

It's another night at the pizzaplex. Jasper, unfortunately, hasn't texted me since our lunch 'date'. I sigh as I check my phone one last time for any new messages before going into the large building.

Tightening my belt and taking my flashlight out, I start my long dreadful walk around the pizzaplex. You're doing this for the money, Y/N, remember that. I remind myself as I start to have regrets of applying for a job here.

I barely even get to the gift shop when I suddenly hear a familiar voice. Turning around, I see Atlas. "Oh hey, Atlas." I greet with a small smile, making sure not to shine the light directly on his face unlike last time.

Instead of the usual smirk he has on his face, he's frowning. "Hello, Y/N. I heard you went on a date with Jasper earlier today." He says Jasper's name with slight disgust in his voice, his eyes narrowing slightly as he looks down at me.

"Oh, you heard about that, didn't you?" I nervously laugh. "It wasn't a date... he just wanted to treat me to lunch, and you can never decline free food... am I right?" He doesn't smile at my failed attempt to be funny.

"Well, no matter what it was, I don't want you to go near that guy. He's bad news, do you understand me?" He says sternly. My eyebrows furrow, how is Jasper 'bad news'?

"What? Jasper is so sweet though..." Atlas must be jealous or he's not talking about the same guy.

"You don't truly know him then. Just listen to me and stay away from him, got it?" His tone only turns more stern.

"I think I know him well enough. And who are you to tell me who I can and can't talk to?" I ask, slightly offended at the thought of the fact that he thinks he has any control over me.

He sighs, annoyed. "I'm not, Y/N. I'm just trying to say what's best for you. But if you don't want to listen to my advice, then don't be surprised if... nevermind." He mutters something under his breath, something I can't hear, and walks away. The sounds of the bells on his shoes fade with his footsteps.

I scoff to myself as I watch him walk away, rude much? I start to walk into the gift shop when I hear a camera snap. Quickly turning to the source of the noise, I look around. What the-? Was that a camera sound...? I narrow my eyes as I look around the fountain.

"Gregory...?" I ask out loud, thinking he somehow got in again. No response. Maybe I was just hearing things? I shrug it off and continue my nightly duties, completely unaware of the person stalking around.


Finally, I made it to the atrium. I went into the daycare to say hi to Samuel, but he wasn't there. I didn't think anything of it and left.

Stepping out of the elevator, I slip and fall on a puddle of fizzyfaz, the sticky liquid soaking into my pants.

"Seriously?" I say out loud, groaning. Isn't the janitor supposed to be in charge of cleaning messes? (cough, is that a reference to my upcoming story?)

I hesitantly get up, slight pain shooting through my leg. Great, now my pants are wet and my leg hurts. I try to ignore the annoying feeling of my pants sticking to my legs as I continue to walk through the atrium.

30 minutes later, the pants finally dried. Thank heavens. The last place to visit is rockstar row, which also happens to be my favorite place. This is because I get to see the performers, they are all nice to me.

As I walk through rockstar row, humming along quietly to the low music that plays throughout the building, a low crash is suddenly heard in one of the rooms. I turn to look and see that it's Montgomery's room. His room now has a sign in front of it giving some excuse that he's 'resting up for the next show'... sure doesn't sound like it. His curtains are drawn and it looks to be pitch black in there. All that is heard is loud crashes and grunts. I would check to see how he is, but I don't think that's a very good idea...

Instead, I go to Roxanne's room to see what the problem is. Her curtains are also drawn, strange. I knock on the door and hear a high pitched giggle from the other side, but it doesn't sound like her.

"Roxy?" I ask. The door automatically opens as I step closer to it, revealing a sight of Roxy and *Cecile sitting on her couch, criss-crossed and facing each other. The smell of nail polish fumes fill the air as Roxy holds a bottle of bright pink nail polish in one hand, and paints Cecile's nails with the other. It's a sweet sight. Cecile notices me standing there and smiles.

"Oh, hello, Y/N!" That causes Roxy to also look up from what she was doing.

"Sup." She says before focusing back on her work.

"Hey, sorry guys. I just wanted to know if either of you knew anything about what's happening to Monty?" Right as I ask that, another loud crash is heard, causing me to flinch slightly.

Roxy shrugs. "Probably pissed about something stupid like breaking a string or messing up a tune." She rolls her eyes at the thought of it. "Such a drama queen." That makes Cecile giggle slightly, which causes Roxy to smile.

Looking back and forth from the two, I decide to not bother their time anymore. "Ah, thanks." I say my goodbyes and leave the two of them alone again.


Finally, my shift is over. I almost fell asleep again, but I luckily didn't. Hoping to see Jasper as I left, he was nowhere to be seen. Weird... maybe he got sick or something? Or an emergency happened... yeah... that seems to be it.

I get in my car and drive the familiar way home. Opening my front door, I smile, ready to be greeted by a happy Rover. To my surprise, he doesn't run up barking like usual. Hm... he's probably sleeping.

I shrug and take my shoes and belt off, placing them to the side. I need to get out of these gross clothes. I go into my bathroom, undressing and getting in the shower. I let the feeling of the (temperature of choice) water wash over me, soothing me. After my shower is done, I securely wrap a towel around my body and throw my work clothes into the washing machine. I put on comfortable pajamas and walk into my kitchen to fill Rover's water bowl. As I place the now full dog water bowl in place, I call his name.

"Rover! Come on boy!" No response. I don't hear his collar make any noise as he moves or his feet tap against the wood floors.

Worrying slightly now, I look around for him. My house isn't that big, so there isn't much space for Rover to be in.

I start to really panic when I don't find Rover at all after searching my whole house twice. I even looked in my closet, under the bed, in the cupboards even. Nowhere.

Where is he...?


Enjoy the cliffhanger! Sorry for the long update, I literally had like no motivation to write until now! When I mentioned an upcoming story, yes, there will be a new story. That will be in the near future. I also need to work on my William story, so forgive me, anyone who is reading this that also read the other one.

The star thing (*) by Cecile's name is supposed to be those things that are like to describe the meaning of a word... something like that. Cecile is supposed to be Chica if it wasn't obvious enough... I just gave her a human name. Thanks for reading!


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