Chapter VI

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I'm really panicking now. I've searched the whole house over five times. He's not a small dog, he's a pretty big one, so he isn't too easy to lose.

I make my way to the kitchen for the fifth time. Looking around, a small piece of paper on the counter catches my eye. That wasn't here when I left... Hesitantly, I pick the paper up, there's messy words scribbled onto it.

"If you want your dog back then come to the pizzaplex's basement at the start of your shift tonight. Come alone"

There's no way this is happening... I start to feel light headed. Who would do this to me? What's the point in kidnapping my dog? There's no way I'm going there alone... I need someone to come with me to make sure I'm safe. I pick up my phone and instantly call him. I don't care if he might be avoiding me, I need him right now.

I press the call button and hold the phone up to my ear. It rings about five times before he answers.

"Hey beautiful" His soothing voice is heard from the other end.

I feel heat rising to my cheeks, but I instantly ignore that feeling, this is no time for flirting. "Hey... I need your help." I say with a hurried tone.

"Sure, what's up?" Of course he's so quick to help me... he's so nice...

"Somebody took my dog. Like, broke into my house, took my dog, and left a note."

"What? Are you okay? Do you need me to come over? Are they still in the house with you? I need answers Y/N." He worriedly bombards me with questions.

"No, I'm obviously not okay, they aren't in the house anymore, and yes... could you come over please? The person wants me to meet up with them at the pizzaplex tonight and It's not safe enough to go alone..."

"I'll be there in five." Is all he says before hanging up. I didn't even have the time to give him my address... will he get to the right house?

Exactly five minutes later, like he said, I hear a knock on my door. I instantly open it to see a worried Jasper. He instantly pulls me into a tight hug. "Don't worry, I'm here. I'll help you find your dog, I promise."

I smile awkwardly and pat his back. He pulls away after then looks over to my kitchen counter where the note is. Skimming his eyes over it, he crumbles the paper up. "I can't believe someone did this to you..." He checks the time on his watch. "It said at the start of your shift, which is tonight at 12. Do you want me to stay here with you until then?" He asks, a hopeful look in his eyes.

I can't just say no to a face like that. I smile softly. "Sure."


We sat in my apartment and talked for a few hours. Even with all my anxiety about Rover, Jasper was still able to make me laugh a little. Gosh, he's such a great guy.

We get ready to leave, and Jasper drives us to the pizzaplex. The whole ride there, I think about Rover and if he's okay.

The car comes to a stop at the brightly lit pizzaplex. We arrived at 11:50 so Jasper will be able to leave before the building goes into nightly lockdown. He grabs my hand as we walk up to the sliding glass doors. I breathe in a deep breath and release it before hesitantly walking through the doors. We make our way to the elevators, pressing the button to go all the way down.

The usual cheery pizza plex music floods my ears, not making me so happy this time.

"Did you know that birthday wishes only come true at Freddy Fazbear's? It's true! Kids who have home birthdays have fewer friends and parents who don't love them. This has been another Faz Fact!" The intercom in the elevator rings out in a cheery voice.

"What a... helpful fact..." I mutter, which makes Jasper chuckle a little.

It comes to a stop and the doors open slowly, revealing a musty smell. I cover my nose a little as we walk through the basement. I hear a barking noise in the distance and I instantly rush to the noise. Rover is on a leash tied to a pipe, barking at me.

"Rover!" I run over to him but I'm suddenly grabbed by a dark figure. It starts to pull me, but Jasper then goes up and punches it in the face. The figure's hood falls and reveals a younger looking man with slicked back black hair. He holds his nose in pain and grumbles something I can't hear. While Jasper and the guy fight, I untie Rover from the pipe and I hold him close to me.

"I'm so glad you're okay, boy" I sigh and pet his head, he wags his tail happily in response. I look back over to the two and see the guy now lying on the ground, Jasper standing over him. He holds his hand out to me. "Let's get out of here."

We make our way back to the entrance, I don't take my eyes off Rover the whole time. When we got back, it was already 12am, but surprisingly, the doors didn't close. "Weird..." I say, looking around. Jasper just shrugs, walking to the doors.

"I can take Rover back to your apartment for you, I'll stay there with him until you get back, If you'd like." He offers a friendly smile.

"Sure." I hand him the leash and pat Rover's head once more. "See you later, buddy" He licks my hand and walks over to Jasper's side.

"Thank you." I smile at Jasper. I really did appreciate his actions. If he didn't come with me to get Rover, then I would have been kidnapped by that guy. I don't even know who that is... How'd he get into my house? Why'd he take my dog? So many questions are unable to be answered... I don't care though, as long as Rover is fine then I'm fine too.

Jasper nods and smiles back. "See you later, Y/N." He heads out of the doors with Rover. I watch them both walk away, a small smile resting on my lips.

A hand was suddenly placed on my shoulder, making me jump and turn around quickly, ready to hit whoever it was. It was just Samuel, thankfully. I sigh a breath of relief. "My apologies if I startled you." He chuckles softly. "That seems to keep happening." He removes his hand from my shoulder and smiles. "I saw you had your dog and I just wanted to know what it was doing here."

"Oh, I just... uh... it's a long story..." I nervously smile. How do I explain that I have some mystery stalker to him without making him worry for me?

"I see. Well just so you know for future times, pets aren't allowed in the building unless they are service pets." He smiles and I blush from embarrassment.

"Yeah... sorry..." I awkwardly look away.

"No worries!" He chuckles softly before glancing over my shoulder at the doors. "So was that the Jasper guy that walked out with your dog?" He asks, tilting his head.

"Yeah... you know him?" I ask, I wasn't really expecting him to, since Jasper is just a front desk manager. "Oh, no I don't. I've just heard some... things about him from Atlas." His smile seems to falter a little. "I don't think Atlas gets along with him well... he said something about telling you to keep your distance from him. I'd listen to his words, sweetheart. Atlas is usually right when he warns people." He looks at me with a sincere look in his eyes.

Now Samuel is telling me to stay away from Jasper too? Who's next? Freddy? I sigh softly.

I don't want to argue with Samuel, so I just lie. "Alright, I'll listen to you." Samuel smiles and claps his hands together once. "Great to hear! It's for the best, Y/N." He smiles and pats my head.

"I've got to go now, but I'll see you later." He smiles and happily walks off, the bells on his shoes jingling with each step.

Is Jasper really that bad of a guy? He must be if both Atlas and Samuel are telling me he is... but he's been nothing but nice to me. I think they just had a bad personal experience with him and that's why. They just haven't seen the good side of him... yeah... that's what.

I take my flashlight out of my belt and turn it on, Illuminating my path. I start my shift, walking off completely unaware of the eyes watching me from afar.


(Sorry if this chapter was rushed guys. I'm trying to make this suspenseful build-ups good. Hope you enjoyed though <3)


1486 words.

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