Chapter VII

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(Ig i should put a trigger warning here. It's not too descriptive, but TW: Slight descriptive gore and violence.)

While making my 3rd hourly round, I ran into Atlas. I was surprised to see him because it's been a while since our last encounter.

"Hello Y/N." He greets me with a plain expression on his face.

"Oh hey, where have you been?" I tilt my head a little.

"Busy." He responds shortly. He starts to walk on his path again but I stop him.

"Don't just walk away. I wanna know what's been up with you." Narrowing my eyes, I try to seem at least a little intimidating.

"Why do you care?" He raises an eyebrow. "Why don't you go see how your boyfriend Jasper is doing." Atlas rolls his eyes at the thought of him.

"Okay first, he's not my boyfriend." That makes Atlas scoff a little. "Second, have you seriously not been talking to me because of Jasper? How many times do I have to tell you? He's a nice g-" I'm soon interrupted by Atlas.

"How many times do I have to tell you, Y/N? Jasper is nothing but no good and yet you still do not listen to me! Even Samuel has warned you, but you're just so stubborn and don't listen!" His voice raises a little, echoing throughout the large space in the pizzaplex. I flinch a little, which he notices and his expression immediately softens.

"I'm sorry for raising my voice. But Y/N, please, I need you to listen to me." He lightly grabs my shoulders, I don't push him off.

He steps a little closer, a slight look of sadness is detectable in his eyes. "Please stay away from him."

"But... he helped me save my dog." I still for some reason try to defend Jasper.

" your dog? What?" He asks, confused.

"Yeah. Some guy broke into my house and held my dog, Rover, captive in the basement. I called Jasper and he helped me find my dog and protected me from the dangerous guy." Maybe Atlas is just jealous of Jasper...

"Interesting..." He thinks for a moment. "Did you see what this 'kidnapper' looks like?" He says the word kidnapper as if it wasn't real.

"Not really. All I saw was that he had black-ish hair and looked a little younger than 30..." I say, trying to remember his features.

"That's not very helpful." He thinks for another moment before getting an idea. "I got it. We can go look at the camera footage. There's cameras everywhere. Especially in the basement." Atlas grabs my hand and pulls me into the security office.

He types a few things on the keyboard and pulls up a four way split screen of the camera footage. One of the parts shows the exact spot where Jasper fought the guy and we got Rover.

"That one." I point to the footage in the top left corner. He clicks on it, making it fill the screen. It currently shows live time, showing an empty basement. He rewinds it until he sees us in the footage.

"There we go." He keeps rewinding it to the part where we see the guy walk in with Rover. He seems to be with another person...? Before we can see the other person's face, all power in the building suddenly goes out.

"Atlas??" I say in a panicked state.

"Don't worry, I'm here." He feels around in the dark before his hand reaches my waist, wrapping around it and pulling me close in a protective manner.

"Scared of the dark?" He teases, which earns him a punch in the arm.

Suddenly, a loud, high pitched, blood curdling scream erupts through the building, followed by a crashing noise. Me and Atlas instantly run towards the noise, using my flashlight to navigate our way there. It seemed to have come from Rockstar Row.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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