Bird's Lament

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I have never been whole before

Tell me about it please

I hunger like a demon

And shiver in the breeze

It growls and scratches at the door

The hound left home alone

It gnaws and shreds my sinews

This shell, that isn't home

Imagine every time you look

The mirrors all are cracked

Then people look at you oddly

When it's finally intact

Imagine you've always been a bird

With plucked-barren wings

And when they finally let you fly

They pull you back with strings

Hate can choke the hope from your lips

Hate can make tomorrows seem impossible

Hate can take your last breath

And hate can crumble a home to the earth

If hate be my ending, then let them know

They did not hate me enough

For this euphoria to die

They could not kill the love and joy that lies inside

I'm not hiding anymore

And my plumage has grown

You can find me laughing in the fields

Reaping what I've sown

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