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Katsuki leaned against the counter behind the register, his arms folded across his chest as he watched Kirishima restock items on the shelves. He rambled on about the encounter with Izuku earlier, his frustration evident in his tone.

"Can you believe it, Eijirou?" Katsuki muttered, shaking his head in disbelief. "That asshole was right next to my dorm this whole time. I wanted to punch him so bad when I saw him."

Kirishima continued his task, seemingly unfazed by Katsuki's words, his focus solely on the merchandise in front of him. He didn't respond, the silence between them growing more pronounced with each passing moment.

Katsuki sighed, feeling a twinge of annoyance at Kirishima's lack of reaction. "Are you even listening to me?" he grumbled, shooting his friend a pointed look.

Kirishima finally looked up, a sheepish grin spreading across his face. "Sorry, man. Got a bit lost in the restocking," he admitted, scratching the back of his head apologetically. "But yeah, that does sound frustrating. What are you gonna do about it?"

Katsuki bit his lip, contemplating Kirishima's words. "I don't know," he muttered, a hint of uncertainty in his voice. "I just... It's complicated."

Kirishima looked up from his task, giving Katsuki an encouraging grin. "Complicated or not, you need to take a break. Besides, who the hell goes to bed at 8 pm? You're twenty, not eighty."

Katsuki rolled his eyes at the jab but couldn't help but crack a small smile. "Alright, alright. I'll think about it," he conceded.

"That's the spirit!" Kirishima exclaimed, clapping Katsuki on the back. "You might even run into that green-haired guy again. Who knows, it might not be as bad as you think."

Katsuki huffed, shooting Kirishima a skeptical look. "Yeah, right. I doubt it," he mumbled, but the idea of going to the party lingered in the back of his mind.

Kirishima grinned mischievously, laying out the enticing possibilities. "Think about it, Bakugo. There'll be a ton of girls, maybe even some you knew back then. Plus, free drinks, a wild party – get wasted, get laid. It's a win-win situation. Just don't be a party pooper and bail on me."

Katsuki scowled, but a spark of interest ignited in his eyes. "I don't need you telling me how to live my life," he retorted, but there was a hint of contemplation in his tone.

Kirishima laughed, giving Katsuki a playful punch on the shoulder. "Come on, man, live a little. It's Valentine's Day! You might even find someone to spend the night with. No more sulking around at 8 pm like an old man."

Kirishima raised an eyebrow, his grin widening. "So, when was the last time you had a date for Valentine's Day, huh? What did you even do? It's been so long, I bet you were still playing on the playground at recess."

Katsuki scowled, his cheeks flushing slightly. "Shut up, Shitty Hair. It's none of your damn business," he grumbled, crossing his arms defensively.

Kirishima laughed, nudging Katsuki with his elbow. "Aw, come on, man, don't be so secretive. You can tell me. I won't judge you for being a softie."

Katsuki rolled his eyes, but a faint smile tugged at the corners of his lips. "Fine, whatever. It's been a while, okay? But tonight, I'll show you how it's done. Just you wait."

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