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The pulsating beat of the music reverberated through the air, thumping against Izuku's chest as he stood on the outskirts of the crowded room. It was a scene unlike any he had ever encountered, one that seemed to pulse with a frenetic energy that left him feeling out of place and overwhelmed.

Every corner of the room was alive with movement as girls swayed and danced with abandon, their laughter mingling with the music in a cacophony of sound. They moved with a fluidity that spoke of hours spent on dance floors, their bodies twisting and gyrating in time with the music, their movements seemingly effortless and hypnotic.

The air was thick with the scent of alcohol, the sharp tang of liquor mingling with the sweat and perfume of the dancers. Drinks flowed freely, passed from hand to hand as the partygoers lost themselves in the moment, their inhibitions melting away with each sip.

Izuku couldn't help but feel out of place amidst the sea of bodies, his awkwardness amplified by the scantily clad revelers that surrounded him. He shifted uncomfortably, acutely aware of his own modest attire compared to the barely-there outfits that seemed to be the uniform of the night.

He watched as groups of girls laughed and flirted with each other, their voices rising above the music in bursts of raucous laughter. It was a scene of hedonistic abandon, one that left Izuku feeling simultaneously intrigued and unsettled.

Why had he even come to this party, he wondered, feeling like a fish out of water amidst the swirling chaos of bodies and noise. He longed for the familiar comforts of home, the quiet solitude of his own company far preferable to the overwhelming sensory assault of the party.

As Izuku stood at the edge of the bustling party, feeling somewhat out of place, he suddenly felt a tap on his shoulder. Turning around, he found Todoroki standing there, holding out a drink towards him.

"Hey, Midoriya," Todoroki said, his voice barely audible over the pounding music. "Thought you might need one of these."

Izuku accepted the drink with a grateful nod, taking a cautious sip as Todoroki did the same. The cool liquid provided a welcome respite from the heat of the crowded room, and Izuku felt a sense of gratitude towards his friend for the gesture.

As they stood side by side, Todoroki glanced around the room before turning his attention back to Izuku. "Hey, have you seen Kirishima anywhere?" he asked, raising his voice slightly to be heard over the din.

Izuku shook his head, scanning the room for any sign of their missing friend. "No, I haven't," he replied, feeling a pang of concern. Kirishima was usually impossible to miss in a crowd, with his boisterous personality and distinctive red hair.

Todoroki frowned slightly, his expression troubled. "He said he'd meet us here," he muttered, more to himself than to Izuku. "I hope nothing's happened to him."

Izuku nodded in agreement, the worry evident in his eyes. The thought of Kirishima getting into trouble wasn't exactly far-fetched, given his penchant for impulsiveness.

"We should split up and look for him," Todoroki suggested, his tone decisive. "I'll check the backyard, you look around the main floor."

Izuku nodded, grateful for Todoroki's quick thinking. They exchanged a determined look before parting ways.

As Izuku awkwardly stumbled through the dance, his discomfort evident, the girl beside him seemed completely oblivious to his unease.

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