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Todoroki and Kirishima sat across from each other in the bustling commons area, their gazes flickering between the entrance and their watches. They had agreed to meet Izuku and Katsuki there, but as the minutes ticked by, there was still no sign of their friends.

"It's been ten minutes," Todoroki remarked, his voice tinged with concern as he glanced at Kirishima.

"Yeah, I noticed," Kirishima replied, his brow furrowing with worry. "They're never this late."

Todoroki nodded in agreement, his expression troubled. He knew that Izuku and Katsuki had a tendency to get caught up in their own worlds, but even so, this level of tardiness was unusual for them.

"Do you think something happened?" Kirishima asked, voicing the concern that had been gnawing at the back of his mind.
As Todoroki and Kirishima hurried through the hallway in search of their missing friends, Todoroki's sharp eyes caught sight of a familiar figure in the distance. It was Katsuki, his head bowed low, his strides purposeful and fast. But what struck Todoroki the most was the sense of urgency in Katsuki's movements—and the fact that he was alone.

"Hey, isn't that Bakugou?" Todoroki said, his voice laced with concern as he pointed towards Katsuki's retreating figure.

Kirishima followed Todoroki's gaze, his eyes widening in alarm as he recognized their friend. "Yeah, it is! What's he doing here all by himself?"

Without hesitation, Kirishima called out to Katsuki, his voice cutting through the din of the hallway. "Bakugou! Hey, wait up!"

Katsuki's steps faltered for a moment, his shoulders tensing as he glanced over his shoulder. There was a flicker of surprise in his eyes as he spotted Todoroki and Kirishima rushing towards him, but before they could reach him, he resumed his brisk pace, his expression unreadable.

Todoroki and Kirishima exchanged worried glances, picking up their pace as they closed the distance between them and Katsuki. Something wasn't right, and they needed to find out what was going on with their friend.

"Bakugou, what's going on?" Kirishima called out again, his voice tinged with concern.

But Katsuki didn't slow down, his determined stride carrying him further away with each passing second. And as Todoroki and Kirishima watched him disappear around the corner, a sinking feeling settled in the pits of their stomachs.

Whatever had happened, it was clear that Katsuki wasn't in the mood to talk about it.
Katsuki stormed down the hallway, his footsteps echoing off the walls with each angry stride. His mind was a whirlwind of frustration and confusion, emotions swirling like a storm within him. When he reached his dorm room, he didn't bother with pleasantries; instead, he flung the door open with a forceful shove.

The room felt suffocating, the air heavy with tension as Katsuki's gaze fell upon his closet. Without a moment's hesitation, he strode over and yanked the door open, the hinges creaking in protest. With swift, jerky movements, he ripped his bag off his shoulders and tossed it onto the bed.

His hands moved with urgency as he grabbed fistfuls of clothes, shoving them into the bag with reckless abandon. Shirts, pants, jackets—nothing was spared as Katsuki emptied his closet with a single-minded determination.

Each garment he tossed into the bag was a physical manifestation of the turmoil raging inside him. The frustration, the anger, the overwhelming sense of being trapped—all of it poured out as he stuffed his belongings into the bag.

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