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As Izuku stirred from his slumber, he became aware of the warmth of another body pressed against him. Opening his eyes slowly, he found himself face to face with Katsuki, their bodies tangled together in the soft sheets of Izuku's bed.

It was nearly seven in the morning, and their first class started at 8. They had fallen asleep quicker than anticipated, lost in each other's embrace after a night filled with kisses and whispered confessions.

Katsuki looked peaceful in his sleep, his features softened by the gentle light filtering in through the window. His chest rose and fell rhythmically with each breath, and Izuku couldn't help but feel a surge of affection welling up within him at the sight.

With a small smile playing on his lips, Izuku brushed a strand of hair away from Katsuki's face, marveling at the serene expression that graced his features. In that moment, he felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude for having Katsuki in his life, for the love that they shared.

As the minutes ticked by, Izuku remained there, basking in the quiet intimacy of the morning, content to simply be in Katsuki's presence. And as they lay there together, wrapped in each other's arms, Izuku couldn't shake the feeling that this was exactly where he was meant to be.

The morning sun peeked through the curtains, casting a gentle glow across the room as Katsuki slowly blinked his eyes open. He groaned, rubbing at his temples as he tried to shake off the remnants of sleep. But just as he was about to stretch luxuriously in the comfort of Izuku's bed, his stomach lurched unpleasantly, and before he could react, he bolted upright with wide eyes.

"Izuku!" he exclaimed, his voice a mix of urgency and panic. "Move over, quick!"

Izuku, startled awake by Katsuki's sudden outburst, scrambled to the side of the bed as Katsuki lunged out, his limbs flailing as he raced towards the bathroom like a madman on a mission.

Izuku watched in bemusement as Katsuki disappeared behind the bathroom door, a mixture of concern and amusement flickering in his eyes. "Kacchan, are you okay?" he called out, unable to suppress a giggle.

There was a brief pause before the unmistakable sound of retching echoed through the room, followed by a string of colorful expletives from Katsuki. "Just peachy!" he grumbled between heaves, his voice muffled by the porcelain throne.

Izuku couldn't help but chuckle at Katsuki's less-than-enthusiastic response, shaking his head in amusement. "Well, let me know if you need anything!" he called out cheerfully, already planning to make Katsuki a cup of soothing tea to settle his stomach.

And as Katsuki continued to wage war with his rebellious digestive system, Izuku couldn't help but marvel at the absurdity of the situation. Who would've thought that his morning wake-up call would involve Katsuki sprinting to the bathroom like a man possessed?

But as he listened to Katsuki's increasingly colorful language from behind the bathroom door, Izuku couldn't suppress a smile. Even in moments of utter chaos, Katsuki had a way of making life infinitely more interesting. And for that, Izuku was endlessly grateful.

Izuku cautiously pushed the bathroom door open, expecting to find Katsuki still hunched over the toilet. However, to his surprise, he was met with the sight of Katsuki standing shirtless in front of the sink, splashing water on his face in an attempt to ease his queasiness.

Flustered by the unexpected sight, Izuku quickly averted his eyes and closed the door again with a soft click. "Uh, sorry!" he stammered, his cheeks flushing crimson. "I'll just... I'll leave you to it."
Heart racing, Izuku leaned against the door, his cheeks flushed with a rosy hue. "I made you tea," he called out, his voice slightly muffled by the door. "It's on the counter."

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