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The morning sun gently peeked through the curtains, casting a warm glow over Pallet Town as a new day began to unfold. In Ash's house, the familiar sounds of morning activity filled the air as Ash, Gary, and Leaf prepared for another day of school.

As Ash groggily rubbed the sleep from his eyes, he glanced at the clock and realized with a start that he was running late. "Oops, gotta hurry!" he exclaimed, jumping out of bed and hastily getting dressed.

Meanwhile, Leaf was already in the kitchen, flipping pancakes with practiced ease. "Morning, Ash. Sleep well?" she called out, her voice cheerful despite the early hour.

Ash grinned, his stomach rumbling at the delicious aroma wafting from the kitchen. "Yeah, like a Snorlax," he replied, his enthusiasm growing as he caught sight of the breakfast spread.

Gary, emerged from her room with a yawn, his hair tousled from sleep. "Morning, guys," he mumbled, rubbing his  eyes as he joined them in the kitchen.

"Sleepyhead," Ash teased,  as he sat down at the table.

"Hey, I'm awake now, aren't I?" he retorted, reaching for a pancake and loading it up with syrup.

As they made their way to school, the streets of Pallet Town buzzed with activity. Children laughed and played, and the air was filled with the scent of fresh flowers and morning dew.

As they arrived at school, they were greeted by familiar faces and the hustle and bustle of students making their way to their classrooms. Among the crowd, they spotted Dawn, her face lighting up with joy as she caught sight of them.

"Hey, guys!" Dawn exclaimed, running over to greet them. She enveloped Leaf in a tight hug, her excitement palpable.

"Hey, Dawn! It's good to see you too," Leaf replied, returning the hug with a smile.

Dawn turned to Ash and Gary, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. "So, how was your weekend? Do anything fun?" she asked, her enthusiasm infectious.

Ash scratched his head, trying to remember. "Um, not really. Just the usual stuff," he replied, his brow furrowing in thought.

But Leaf couldn't help but blush as she remembered the little outing she had with Ash. She stole a quick glance at him, but he seemed completely oblivious to her embarrassment, his attention already drifting to something else.

As they chatted and laughed together, Leaf couldn't shake the feeling of warmth and happiness that filled her heart.

As the bell rang, signaling the start of classes, they filed into their respective classrooms, anticipation simmering in the air. Professor Oak entered the room with his usual genial smile, his presence commanding attention.

"Good morning, class," Professor Oak greeted, his voice carrying across the room. "I hope you're all ready for another exciting day of learning."

The students murmured their greetings in response, eager to see what the day held in store for them. Professor Oak began the lesson, delving into the intricacies of Pokémon training and strategy with his characteristic enthusiasm.

As the class progressed, students raised their hands to ask questions, seeking clarification on various topics. Professor Oak patiently answered each query, his vast knowledge and expertise shining through with every explanation.

At the end of the lesson, Professor Oak announced the upcoming project, a collaborative endeavor that would require students to work in pairs. Excitement rippled through the room as students eagerly awaited their assignments.

"Now, I have paired each of you up based on your strengths and interests," Professor Oak explained, gesturing towards the list of pairs posted on the board. "I encourage you to take a look after class and start brainstorming ideas for your project."

The Bullied Legendary Trainer (Revising)Where stories live. Discover now