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I caught up to him walking alongside him. When I tilted my head to look at Mr.Bang, he didn't look fazed. Like we never had that conversation. It bothered me that he just ignored my curiosity.

"You seem bothered Mr.Lee?" He grinned softly.

"To be frank. I am." I puffed out, crossing my hands against my chest. He laughed lightly.

"You're cute."

"W-what?" I asked flustered, my eyes widened.

"I said you're cute." He repeated for me. "And we're here." I realized we had walked here. It wasn't some fancy restaurant that I'd assume to be. Just normal dining with great food. "And let's drop the formality. Call me Chan hyung." He said sitting himself at the corner.

It definitely wasn't something I'd get used to fast. But I'll try.

"Then I guess you can call me Minho." I thinned my lips. He nodded while taking the menu tab. I'm still ticked off that Mr.Bang had completely ignored our conversation. And I'm still confused about that flash of 'memory' I had randomly.

"Do you know what you're ordering, Minho?" He asked me. The way my name had flown out of his mouth made me feel things.

"Oh, y-yeah. Just a bowl of ramen." I said setting the menu tab down. Mr.Bang hummed and turned to the counter.

"2 bowls of ramen!" He yelled to the older man who gave him a flashy smile. Mr.Bang turned back. "So how's your family?" He asked, resting his head on the palm of his hand.

"They're good," I smiled. "And yours?" I asked.

"My father passed away last year and I grew up without a mother." He said taking a glass of water.

"Oh. . . I'm sorry."

"No need, I'm pretty great if you ask me." He shrugged it off. "You seem quite irritated. Do you need help with something?"

Mr.Bang seemed to catch on pretty fast.

"Yeah, what did you mean in the elevator?" I asked, turning serious. I knew Mr.Bang knew more than I did.

"Exactly what I said. You could have been reincarnated." He brought up a myth. "We don't know but it's a possibility." He reminded me. I didn't know what to believe anymore.

"So you're saying I could have been dreaming about my old lover?" I asked.

"You're dreaming about your lover?" Mr.Bang asked me, completely avoiding my question. He seemed intrigued with this new piece of information.

"That's not the point–"

"Yes it is." He cut me off. "Tell me. What were they like?" He finished. Before I could answer, the food had arrived. The smell of ramen taking over the area.

"He was. . ." I didn't know where to start off considering that I barely remember anything. "I don't know. I just remember the bathroom–"

"You were in the bathroom?" Mr.Bang asked stunned but with a teasing smirk. I looked down embarrassed by what I told him. I nodded and Mr.Bang hummed.

"Did anything happen?" He asked curiously.

"Not much, he was pretty close to me flirting." I put a hand over my face feeling a shade of pink paint my cheeks.

"Alright," He nodded. "Tell me what happens every time you get it." Mr.Bang asked.

"Sure. . . but why?" I asked.

"Just plain curiosity." He smiled playfully. I don't buy it. He definitely knows something. 

Until I found You [Minchan]Where stories live. Discover now