A Discovery

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No one's POV:

Leo slowly started to fall asleep. His insomnia didn't mess with him so he slept pretty well. While Leo was enjoying his sleep, he had a dream. Not a goal, but a fantasy at his command. The dream mostly focused on Donatello. Leo didn't mind this, in fact it made him feel more comfortable.

This didn't last long as Raph woke Leo up. He carefully nudged him enough for him to wake up.

"Hey, Leo"

"What is it Raph, my good fellow?"
Leo slowly sat up on his bed and looked over at his big brother.

"Don wanted to show us something, he said something like 'this will change our perspectives on ourselves and our peers' something like that. And Mikey wanted me to come get you."

Leo got up and walked with Raph to the living room where Mikey sat and Donnie stood. The projector had something science-y on it. Leo noticed Don's face was serious but his eyes sparkled with excitement. Mikey just looked confused. This better not be about the periodic table or the volume of a triangle type shit. Leo thought quietly to himself. Raph and Leo sat down next to Mikey and waited for Donnie. Once he was ready he started to speak-

"My dear turtles l have gathered you here on a special occasion."

"Like what? You finally made a robot go to space and collect rock samples for you?" Leo said trying to sound smug.

"No, that project is still a work-in-progress. Now back on topic,-" he clicked a button on the remote to look at the next slide.

"I have gathered a blood sample from all of you, don't ask me how, and discovered something rather.......interesting."

"Did Leo's test results come back as gay?" Mikey was trying to be more smug than Leo.

"Okay, let's not bicker...." Raph reasoned.
Before anyone could argue Donnie continued his observations.

"As l was saying, l discovered that we are all not the same species of turtle therefore we are all not related by blood. I will take your questions now."

Donnie talked soo fast it took everyone else a moment to process what the genius had said.

"Wait, so, we're not a family?" Mikey's eyes started to tear up along with Raph.

"Sigh, we are brothers mentally. Not physically or scientifically. We can be brothers, just with a little inconvenience."
Donnie finished.

"Wait, so what type of turtles am l?" Asked a curious Leo.

"You are a slider turtle. Quite common."

Leo looked a little offended and said "Is it common to be a gay slider turtle?" His face with his signature smug expression.

"I think you know the answer to that, moving on. Raph is a snapping turtle and Mikey is a spotted turtle."

Raph looked a little uneasy. "Hey, you ok Raph?" Asked Mikey.

"Yeah big-man, just worried. I wouldn't ever hurt you guys, you know that?"

Mikey nodded at him, Raph felt a little pressure be taken off his back.

Leo stood up and walked over to his 'twin'.

"You know, after all thus science talk. We would like to know what type of turtle you are."
Donnie rolled his eyes.

"I'm a soft shell, don't remind me how weak l look compared to your species." Don said with a hint of sarcasm.

30 minutes passed:

Leo was eating pizza at the table lost in thought. He noticed how much and often he thought of Donnie. He didn't know how to describe the warmth he felt at the thought of him. He decided to text April and ask permission to head over. (April had already gone home and Cassandra and Casey were doing stuff together outside of the turtles home) April replied with a 'yes'. Leo grabbed his swords and portaled over to April's house. Leo, hoping to get good advice, knocked on April's door and waited.

Imma leave the story here, little leotello here, will make up in other chapters. I'm playing the long game. Most of these stories are Leo's POV. Just so you know.

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