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Scene: Lagos Street Market

The scene opens on a bustling Lagos street market. Tolu, impeccably dressed in a power suit, navigates through the vibrant chaos with a determined expression.  Suddenly, a rogue chicken darts between her legs, sending her tote bag flying. Papers scatter everywhere.

A handsome hand reaches down to help her collect the documents. Tolu looks up to meet the warm brown eyes of Deji, who smiles apologetically.

Deji: My bad. Seems even the chickens know you owe me an apology, Barrister Omowale.

Tolu: (Scoffs) Spare me the theatrics, Mr. Banjo.

Tolu snatches the last document, a mischievous glint in Deji's eyes.

Deji: Maybe next time you listen to a musician's superstitions, your briefcase won't take flight chased by a possessed poultry.

Tolu throws her hands up in exasperation.

Tolu: Right, because a "cursed microphone" is a perfectly reasonable excuse for missing a major performance.

Deji: (Chuckles) It wasn't just any microphone, it reeked of bad juju!

They lock eyes for a moment, a spark of amusement passing between them. Tolu sighs, gathering her composure.

Tolu: Look, Mr. Banjo, I'm here to represent you in court, not debate the finer points of microphone possession. Let's just get these papers back to my office.

Deji: Lead the way, Barrister. But maybe consider a little charm for good luck next time.

Deji winks, making Tolu roll her eyes again. As they navigate the market together, a sense of playful banter fills the air.

Cut to:

Tolu's Apartment

Tolu sits at her desk, surrounded by stacks of paperwork related to Deji's case. She can't shake the image of Deji's smile or the way his eyes crinkled with amusement.

Tolu (to herself): Focus, Tolu. This is just another case.

Her phone rings, breaking the concentration. It's Aunty Sisi.

Tolu: Hello, Aunty?

Aunty Sisi (V.O.): My Tolu, any news about that handsome lawyer you mentioned?

Tolu: (Groans) Aunty, he's not a lawyer, he's a musician who thinks chickens are possessed.

Aunty Sisi (V.O.): Sounds like a charmer to me. Maybe he just needs a little nudge in the right direction. Don't worry, I have a plan.

The next scene reveals Aunty Sisi visiting a local juju practitioner, securing a powerful love charm.

End Scene

This scene adds a layer of humor and foreshadows the complications to come with Aunty Sisi's well-meaning meddling. It also hints at a potential softening of Tolu's initial impression of Deji

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