Aunty sisi's house

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Scene: Aunty Sisi's House

The aroma of incense fills the air as Aunty Sisi chants softly over a small pot bubbling on a clay stove. Tolu sits across from her, a skeptical expression etched on her face.

Tolu: Aunty, are you sure about this? A love charm? Seems a bit drastic, wouldn't you say?

Aunty Sisi: (Eyes twinkling) Relax, child. It's just a little nudge in the right direction. Besides, haven't you noticed that handsome musician keeps popping up in your life? Maybe it's destiny.

Tolu: (Scoffs) Destiny or bad luck with rogue chickens?  Look, Aunty, I appreciate you looking out for me, but I think I can handle my own love life.

Aunty Sisi: (Raises an eyebrow)  The last time I checked, your love life consisted of arguing with photocopiers and spending weekends buried in law books.

Tolu opens her mouth to retort, but Aunty Sisi cuts her off.

Aunty Sisi:  This charm is harmless. It simply opens hearts to see what's already there. Now, take this necklace. Wear it close, and let fate take its course.

Aunty Sisi hands Tolu a beautiful silver necklace adorned with a small juju charm. Tolu hesitates for a moment, then takes it reluctantly.

Tolu: Fine, but if I start attracting pigeons or develop an uncontrollable urge to sing karaoke, this is all on you.

Aunty Sisi: (Chuckles) Don't worry, child. Just be open to possibilities. Now, let's get some palm butter on you. You look far too thin for a woman your age.

The scene shifts to Tolu's office the next day. She's reviewing case documents when Deji bursts in, his hair a mess and a frantic look on his face.

Deji: Barrister Omowale, thank goodness you're here! I need your help.

Tolu: (Raises an eyebrow) What is it now, Mr. Banjo? Another cursed instrument?

Deji: (Shakes his head) Worse. Bode, my manager, booked me a gig at a...goat race!

Tolu stares at him, dumbfounded, as Deji launches into a passionate explanation about the indignity of performing at such an event.  As he speaks, Tolu can't help but notice the way his eyes sparkle with excitement despite his frustration.  A warmth spreads through her chest, a strange feeling she can't quite place.

Tolu: (Clears throat) Look, Mr. Banjo, I understand your reservations, but fulfilling your contractual obligations...

Deji: (Interrupts) But Barrister, what about my artistic integrity? Performing at a goat race? It's madness!

Tolu, surprised by her own sudden impulsiveness, finds herself saying:

Tolu:  Tell you what.  If I can get you out of this goat race contract, will you agree to let your music?  Objectively, of course.

Deji's jaw drops.  A slow smile spreads across his face.

Deji:  Deal.  But be warned, Barrister, my music is pure magic. It might just change your life.

Their eyes lock for a beat, the air crackling with unspoken electricity.  For the first time, Tolu wonders if there might be more to Deji than meets the eye, and perhaps, more to this juju charm than she ever imagined.

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