One year later

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Bonus Scene: One Year Later - A Goat Race (Redux)

The Lagos countryside bustles with activity. This year's Grand Goat Gallop is about to begin, and the atmosphere is electric.  However, this time, Tolu and Deji stand amidst the crowd, hand in hand, not as participants, but as spectators.

Deji spots a familiar figure struggling to control a particularly stubborn goat. It's Bode, his manager, looking utterly defeated.

Deji: (Nudges Tolu playfully) Remember when I said no more goats? Looks like Bode's inherited the "curse."

Tolu laughs, her eyes sparkling.  She pulls out a small silver necklace, the juju charm glinting in the sunlight.

Tolu: Maybe a little harmless nudge wouldn't hurt.

Deji raises an eyebrow, but a mischievous grin spreads across his face. He leans in and whispers in her ear.

Deji:  Just don't tell your Aunty.

Tolu winks and slips the necklace around Bode's neck when he's not looking.  The goat race commences, and chaos erupts.  However, amidst the bleating and dust, Bode and his goat seem to find an unexpected rhythm.

Announcer (V.O.):  And in a surprising turn of events, Bode Banjo and his goat, "Stubborn Steve," are leading the pack!

Tolu and Deji watch in amusement as Bode, guided by some newfound goat-whisperer magic, manages to win the race.  He staggers over to them, a look of disbelief on his face.

Bode: (Panting) I...I don't know what happened! Steve just...listened to me for once!

Deji bursts out laughing, while Tolu can't help but smile.  As they celebrate Bode's unlikely victory, the juju charm remains a secret, a playful reminder of the unexpected turns their lives have taken.

The scene fades out on Deji and Tolu, their love story a harmonious blend of legal brilliance, musical genius, and a touch of Lagos magic, forever tied to the memory of the most chaotic (and now strangely endearing) goat race they'd ever witnessed.

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