Tolu's Apartment

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Scene: Tolu's Apartment - A Few Weeks Later

Sunlight streams through the window as Tolu sits at her desk, stacks of legal papers replaced by sheet music and Deji's guitar case.  She taps her pen against the music stand, a concentrated frown etched on her face.  Deji lounges on the couch, strumming his guitar absentmindedly.

Tolu: (Sighs) Deji, this chord progression doesn't quite work. It needs something...more.

Deji stops playing, a thoughtful expression replacing his usual playful grin.

Deji:  Hmm, you're right. Maybe it needs a touch of...goat spirit?

Tolu: (Raises an eyebrow) Don't even think about it.

They both chuckle, the ease and comfort between them a far cry from their initial meetings.  Tolu's initial skepticism towards Deji's music has softened as she delves deeper into his creative process.  Deji, in turn, has learned to appreciate Tolu's sharp mind and surprisingly open-minded approach to his music.

Deji: (Strums a few chords) Maybe the magic isn't in some charm, but in the way the music makes you feel.  The energy, the chaos...

Tolu: (A smile tugging at her lips) So, you're admitting there was some chaos at the goat race?

Deji: (Grinning)  Controlled chaos, Barrister. Artistic chaos.

They share a playful look, the tension hanging thick in the air.  Suddenly, Tolu's phone rings, shattering the moment.

Tolu: (Answers) Hello? Aunty Sisi?

Aunty Sisi (V.O.):  Tolu, darling! How is the love potion working? Have you snagged that handsome musician yet?

Tolu glances at Deji, who raises an eyebrow in amusement.

Tolu: (Trying to sound casual)  Aunty, everything is under control. There's no potion...

Deji: (Snatches the phone) Hello there! This is Deji, Tolu' partner.

Tolu: (Embarrassed) Deji!

Aunty Sisi (V.O.):  Business partner, eh? Sounds promising. Remember, child, don't be afraid to follow your heart!

The line goes dead. Tolu throws Deji a mock glare as he hands the phone back.

Deji: (Chuckling)  Seems your family is invested in partnership.

Tolu: (Feigning annoyance) Don't even start, Mr. Banjo.

Despite her attempt at frustration, a blush creeps up her cheeks.  Deji leans closer, his eyes holding hers.

Deji: Maybe your aunt is right, Barrister. Maybe there's more to this than just business.

The air crackles with unspoken emotions.  Tolu leans in too, their faces a breath apart.  Just as they're about to bridge the gap, a loud knock on the door breaks the spell.

Bode (V.O.): Tolu! Open up, it's Bode! Urgent news!

Tolu groans, burying her face in her hands.  Deji throws his head back and laughs, the tension replaced by a comfortable camaraderie.

Deji: Looks like our business meeting will have to wait, Barrister.

Tolu: (Sighs)  Maybe later then. But this time, no goats.

Deji: (Winks) No promises.

Deji gathers his guitar as Tolu opens the door to reveal a frantic Bode.

Bode: Tolu, you won't believe it! Deji's's gone viral!  There's a record label calling, they want to sign him!

Deji and Tolu exchange a surprised look.  The goat race performance, fueled by a misplaced juju charm and a shared love for music, has taken an unexpected turn.  As they face the future together, both professionally and personally, the possibilities seem endless, filled with music, laughter, and maybe just a hint of juju magic.

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