Months Later

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Epilogue: Months Later

Sunlight streams through the window of a cozy Lagos cafe.  Tolu sits across from Aunty Sisi, sipping coffee and beaming as she watches Deji perform on a small stage outside. His music draws a lunchtime crowd, his energy infectious as he interacts with his audience.

Tolu: (Grinning)  He's good, isn't he?

Aunty Sisi: (Chuckles)  He certainly is.  Though, I must say, the music has a different feel now. Less...goaty.

Tolu lets out a laugh, remembering the goat race with a fondness she never thought possible.

Tolu:  Deji's come a long way.  And it all started with your "little nudge."  Although, I still think it was more about him than any charm.

Aunty Sisi: (Winks)  Perhaps. But sometimes, a little nudge in the right direction is all it takes for destiny to reveal itself.

Deji finishes his song and spots them through the window.  He blows a kiss towards Tolu, making her heart flutter.  She catches Aunty Sisi watching her with a knowing smile.

Tolu:  (Raises an eyebrow)  Anything else you want to confess, Aunty?

Aunty Sisi: (Sips her tea)  Perhaps the charm simply amplified what was already there.  Love has a way of finding its own rhythm, wouldn't you agree?

Tolu smiles, her gaze drawn back to Deji. He leans into his guitar for another song, and the cafe fills with the vibrant melody of their love story, a testament to the unexpected twists of fate, the power of music, and maybe, just maybe, a sprinkle of juju magic.

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