Winter Break in July

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Deep space we see a space station for refueling we see two alien landing stuff into a ship.

Alien: so how's the kids 

Alien 2: good, their having spring break with their uncle, what about you 

Alien: heh, my kid is having summer break with his grandparents, man these different planet rotations can cause a lot of trouble

Alien 2: tell me about it, planning is nightmare sometimes.

Alien: and the don't get me started on the visitors woo, last time I let vaxasaurian and appoplexian in the same party

Alien 2: what happen

Alien: two words, wrestling competitions

Alien 2: ouch.... Heh does it feel colder out here

Alien: ugh, we're in the vacuum of space. Ain't that its thing 

They look up and see floating ice. They look further and see several wing flaps.

Alien: oh no, no no it's them, it's their winter break 

The aliens scream as we hear screams.... Of cheers. A blue wave Flooded the entire station. Inside everything was covered in snow. The strangest thing was that none of the money was stolen. All that was taken wore snakes, sodas, all things teens want. To make things stranger the metal in some spots were eaten. The blue wave had disappeared leaving the aliens speechless. And to make things worse that blue wave was heading to earth. 


The scene transit to the next day we see its daylight as we see Leo slurping on a smoothie. He sigh as he feels the sun on his face.

Leo: mm, though khoros suns a bit intense it's nothing compared to the sun rays of good old earth. [mind] though being with looma might change my mind 

He sighs as his predatrix beeps. Using his tail he answered it.

Leo: this is Leo 

Blukic: this is blukic

Leo: hey blukic 

Blukic: driba been asking if you can get us a phew grasshopper smoothies 

Driba: no I didn't you wanted more Mr smoothies, I was the one to suggest we get Leo to get some since he's close. 

Blukic: no you didn't 

Driba: yes I did, we tried asking Ben but he's at the movies. Rook is undertown doing some leads on the speed thief Vl6t. 

Blukic: no they're not

Driba: yes they are 

Leo: guys guys I'll get you the smoothies. 

Both: thanks [hung up]

Leo: dang these guys will look do anything to get smoothies 

Leo jumps out his seat and heads to the counter. Later we see Leo on the road on his lion cycle. His tail head the big of smoothies.

Leo: alright, now to  deliver the goods to the blukic and driba 

As Leo drove off he's covered by a shadow, he looks up and sees an object flying through the air. He stops as the object was unique, it has four wings and blue skin. 

Leo: is that Bigchill, did Ben finish his movie 

Leo decides to follow him. He configured the lion cycle into flight mode and chases after Bigchill.  He flies around the city chases Bigchill.  As he turned the corner loses sight of Bigchill, but sees something more confusing. A mall was covered in snow and ice.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19 ⏰

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