Chapter 5

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Nicole takes a sharp turn to the right, followed by a left, cranks open the throttle and accelerates out of the bend, onto the main road leading to Kleinmond. Within seconds, the bike reaches 10,700 RPM before she smoothly shifts into third gear, quickly followed by fourth gear at 11,000 RPM and fifth gear at 10,500 RPM, weaving in and out of traffic with ease.

During this time of year, Nicole seems to throw caution to the wind, disregarding safety regulations and rules. She becomes dangerous and fierce, like a hungry lion on the prowl – unpredictable and almost reckless. Walking a tightrope, teetering between making sober decisions or losing her balance, slipping off the moral line, and leaving herself spinning out of control.

As Nicole approaches a red traffic light, she drops to fourth gear, opens the throttle, and pops a wheelie, speeding through the intersection, narrowly missing a car by mere meters.

The road finally opens up, and she takes advantage of the less dense traffic, rapidly accelerating through the gears up to sixth, reaching an impressive speed of 300 km/h. A quick press of the nitro button on the handlebars and the bike responds with a sudden burst of power, propelling her forward like a bullet. The surrounding landscape becomes a blur as the motorbike vibrates beneath her.

* * *

After approximately fifteen minutes of exhilarating high-speed riding, Nicole's GPS signals for her to take the next turn-off to the right. She smoothly applies the brakes, downshifts to second gear, and turns onto a dirt road. Carefully navigating the incline, she makes a left turn onto another dusty road, continuing deeper into the veld until she finally arrives at her destination. Nicole comes to a screeching halt in front of a large double-story house standing in the middle of nowhere. There are no other roads or houses for kilometers around, creating an eerie yet peaceful sense of isolation.

Kleinmond is a popular holiday destination for those seeking an escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. The soothing sound of waves crashing against the shore is a reminder of the tranquility that can be found in nature. A walk on the beach, seagulls flapping about, and the odd whale shooting water from its blowhole. As the evening sets in, sitting around a warm, glowing campfire with a glass of wine or a fresh pot of coffee brewing. When accompanied by friends and family, the atmosphere is one of cheerful chatter and laughter that echoes until the wee hours of the night. These are the moments that cannot be replaced by a pill from a bottle.

As it is the off-season, most holiday houses are currently standing vacant, including this one. But this will soon change when November shows its face in a few days' time.

The sun gleams off the helmet's surface as Nicole removes it and hangs it on the handlebars of the motorcycle. She kicks out the stand, gets off the bike, and makes her way to the garage of the house. Sliding open one of the double garage doors, she steps inside and shuts it behind her. The air inside the damp garage is heavy and musty, with an unpleasant pungent smell that fills her nostrils.

Muffled noises echo from the dark interior. Undeterred, Nicole finds the light switch and flicks it on. The walls are covered in mold, which explains the stench. Two men are standing in the middle of the open floor space, hands tied with rope suspended from the ceiling beams and mouths taped shut. They squirm and wriggle while one tries to scream, most likely for help.

Nicole approaches a small table that stands in the corner, a smile on her face as she addresses the two men.

"Good morning, gentleman," she says. "Please do not get up on my account." There is a small item, wrapped in white cloth, sitting on top of the table, and a larger elongated shape wrapped with the same cloth underneath it.

Owen Able and the Two-Headed DragonWhere stories live. Discover now