Chapter 10

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The first rays of dawn break over Hachirogata Chosei pond in Japan. The air is crisp and cool. Soft hues of pink and orange paint the morning sky over the shimmering, calm waters with wisps of mist that dance upon the surface. Gentle ripples form from the light morning breeze. Dawn comes late this time of year. It is already seven a.m. Owen wakes from his slumber and reluctantly climbs out of his cozy bed. He walks to the bathroom. It is a small room with all the necessities: A bathtub with a showerhead stuck to the wall above it, a wash basin, and a toilet. After a hot shower, he drapes his naked frame in the hotel-provided yukata. He looks over to his wrinkled t-shirt and jeans hanging on the chair. He would consider going down to the dining area for breakfast, but without any shoes, he decides to order room service. Owen looks at the breakfast menu. The choice is obvious. Western-style scrambled eggs, beef sausage, and a bagel with butter and strawberry jam. Seafood and rice does not appeal to his taste. It never did and it never will. He picks up the room service phone and looks up the number for the kitchen taped to the nightstand next to the bed. The phone rings and a young woman's voice answers the call.

She says in Japanese, "Good morning. Hotel Sun Rural Ogata kitchen. Sakura speaking."

"Room service for room eighty, please," he answers in her native tongue.

"What would you like to order sir?"

"Scrambled eggs, beef sausage, and a bagel with butter and strawberry jam."

"Got it. Would you like some tea with your breakfast?"

"Coffee. Black. If you do not mind."

"Sure. Can I charge it to your room, or will you pay by credit card?"

"You can charge it to my room, please," he says.

"No problem. We will bring your breakfast up shortly."

"Thank you."

He walks over to the window. It is a spectacular view, looking out over Hachirogata Lagoon. Parts of the lagoon shimmer in golden light while others mirror the morning sky. Even from afar, it is noticeable that the lagoon is teaming with wildlife. Hundreds of familiar specks dot the sky over the lagoon. Looking at the movement of the specks, they can only be birds. Owen is mesmerized for a moment before a vibrating noise draws his focus to the nightstand. He walks over and picks up his mobile phone. It is Danny.

"Good morning, Danny."

"Good morning, Owen."

"What's up?

"I am calling to let you know that I have organized the safe house for you. I will send you the address and the code for the key lockbox."

"Did you manage to secure the items I requested?"

"Yes, I did. There is a Lexus parked in the garage. The equipment is in the back of the trunk."

"Great, thank you, Danny."

"Did you want me to come over to take you there?"

"I will be fine getting there, but I have another favor to ask," Owen says.

"Sure. What can I do for you, Owen?"

"I will need some clothes. Can you take down this list?"

"Sure. Go ahead."

"I want a white Shinu sleeve shirt, 42 US size. A black Brioni suit, slim fit. The jacket size should be 42 US and 36 US for the pants. Also, a size 11 US pair of Derby shoes with some black socks."

"Got it. Is there anything else?"

"I will need something to put my belongings in."

"Will a small travel suitcase do?"

Owen Able and the Two-Headed DragonWhere stories live. Discover now