Chapter 6

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Nicole enters the recreation room, clutching a folder of documents to her chest. Looking across the room, she sees Owen busy facing off against a life-like combat dummy in the simulation cage. She sneaks up behind him and leans against the cage with a smirk on her face.

"Welcome back, Owen!" she says loudly.

Without giving it much thought, Owen turns his head to look at Nicole. There are black and blue lines underneath his eyes and a plaster across the bridge of his nose. Just as Owen is about to say something, the combat dummy catches him with a right hook on the side of his head. Nicole shuts her eyes and turns her head away in anticipation of the impact while trying hard not to laugh.

"Time out! Time out!" Owen shouts while picking himself off the floor. The combat dummy instantly obeys and lets its hands fall to its side, then turns around and walks back to its corner.

Nicole points at Owen's face. "I see that you've been playing with my makeup again."

"So, what do you think? Am I getting the hang of it yet?"

Nicole's face turns more serious. "You know, Owen. Getting yourself beaten to a pulp won't bring our son back."

Owen exits the cage, closes the door behind him, and turns to face his wife.

"You know I seek out the best fighters in the world to keep me in shape and ready for any adversary I may face. It comes with the job."

He grabs a towel from a nearby towel rack outside the cage, wipes the sweat from his face and muscular body, then walks up to a nearby clothing rail that is lined with different-colored robes of varied materials.

"You can save that story for your friends. I know you too well," Nicole replies.

Browsing through the robes, Owen selects a black silk number with white cuffs and puts it on. His initials, O.A., brilliantly catch the light as it reflects off the 18-karat gold letters embroidered across his heart.

Owen turns around and manages half a smile, then beckons Nicole to the nearby leather couch. He changes the subject as they take a seat.

"So how was your meeting? Do you have another job for me?"

"Yes and no. I do have a job for you, but not the paying kind."

"Then it can only be a cold case involving a child," Owen says.

"Yes. But this case is of the highest priority, and it comes with a surprise," Nicole says excitedly. "But wait. Before you say anything, let me get my mini presentation in order first," she says.

Owen pushes a button on the coffee table's electronic interface display to reveal a menu of beverages while Nicole opens her folder and starts ruffling through some paperwork.

"Care for a drink?"

"Not for me. Thank you," Nicole replies while extracting some documents from the folder.

With a few button presses, a section of the coffee table flips over to reveal a chilled brandy glass containing three ice cubes and a miniature bottle of KWV brandy.

"As eager as I am to break the good news, let me first ask you: how is the combat simulation project coming along?" Nicole asks.

"Talk about excitement. Once I start talking about it, I may not be able to stop," he says.

"Not even you can talk me to sleep today. I am in way too much of an elevated state for that. So please go ahead," Nicole replies.

Owen takes a sip from his brandy before continuing. "Well, we are concentrating on only simulating boxing matches for now, but the future holds endless possibilities that include martial arts, Kendo, and fencing."

Owen Able and the Two-Headed DragonWhere stories live. Discover now