Chapter 13

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28 October 2009, South Africa

As dawn's light filters into the bedroom, Margie wakes to the jingling of cutlery. Andrew enters, balancing a tray with breakfast and a steaming cup of coffee. A single red rose in a dainty vase adds a vibrant focal point to the morning delights.

Margie sits upright, looking puzzled. "Breakfast before the cock crows? Now there is a surprise," she says.

"Good morning, sweetheart," he says.

Andrew walks over and places the tray on her lap. "I have neglected you lately and wanted to make up for it."

"I am duly impressed, Andrew. It is so sweet of you."

Andrew sits down on the bed next to her.

"You deserve it," he says.

Margie takes a sip of her coffee. She lets out a sigh. "Oh, that is a good cup of coffee. Aren't you having any?"

"No, I had a cup earlier," he says.

"As much as I appreciate the breakfast in bed, it feels more like a bribe. What is it you want?" she says.

Andrew grins. "This time you are wrong. I do not want anything from you, apart from your accepting another present from me."

Margie smiles at him, confident that she is correct in her thinking. "So what is it I am accepting?'

"You know it has been a while since we spent any time away. Just me and you," he says.

"Yes?" Margie says.

"Yes. So, you know how impulsive I can get." Andrew pauses in thought, looking for the correct words.

"Spill the beans, Andrew."

"So, I have been thinking. How about we go for a holiday on a tropical island? Just relax and have fun from dawn till dusk. What do you say?"

"Hm. I might have misjudged you this time. It is a lovely idea," she says. "When do you have in mind and which island will we go to? I would love to go to the Maldives. We haven't been there before."

Andrew pulls an envelope from behind his back.

"Well, I already booked a flight for us to Mauritius. We haven't been to the beach house in ages."

"Really? When are we leaving?" she says.

"Four o'clock this afternoon. Sounds good?"

"Wow! I don't know. It is a bit sudden."

"Come on, Marge. Do you have anything better to do? You do know you can have your petties and mannies over there as well," he says.

A big smile bursts across her face. "Why not? Let's do it! It'll be great."

"Then it's settled. Who knows, if we like it over there, we might decide to make it a permanent holiday," he says.

"Let us not get ahead of ourselves. But yes. A holiday sounds great. I cannot wait."

"Great. Enjoy your breakfast. I just have to make a quick call before we get things ready to leave for the airport," he says.

Andrew gets up and walks out of the bedroom and down the hallway. He retrieves his mobile phone from the depths of his pants pocket. With a swift motion, he unlocks the device and navigates to his contact list, zeroing in on the entry labeled "AJ".

"Talk to me," the voice on the other end says.

"I have a roadblock that needs clearing," Andrew says.

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