Chapter 18

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Nicole stops in front of the Able Foundation with a screech and helps Owen through the door to the medical reception desk. Tanya watches in horror as Nicole comes walking in with Owen leaning on her shoulder. She runs towards Nicole to assist.

"Oh, my! What happened? Is he OK?" Tanya says.

"Thanks, Tanya. Well, this is what happens if you own a bike and do not know how to ride it," Nicole says. "Is there a bed available?"

"But of course," Tanya says. "The big man was sent home earlier today. Owen can have his bed." She pauses briefly. "I cannot remember that the medical bay was ever this busy before. It must be one of the worst months I have witnessed. How are the Ables holding up?"

"As well as can be expected, thank you, Tanya," Nicole says.

The three of them proceed to ward two, where to Nicole's surprise, she finds Eddie in the hospital bed next to the empty one.

"Dad, what are you doing here?"

"Your husband bullied me in here. Said I needed medical attention. Now you see what happens to bullies," Eddie says pointing at Owen. "But I am not complaining. It gives me the opportunity to train your nursing staff." Eddie looks over at Tanya with a grin. "Tanya is becoming quite the expert on foot massages."

Owen, not wanting to divulge any details in front of Tanya, says to Nicole, "Your father had a hard knock on his head, which is quite evident. Since I've known him, in fact. So, I thought it good to put him under observation to make sure he is okay."

"We will discuss this later. I need to report the accident and inform Margie about her husband," Nicole says.

"Not sure who Margie is, but what is wrong with her husband? I can make more space for him here if needed," Tanya says.

"Not to worry, Tanya. He lost his head over some business that went sideways and he won't be able to make it home tonight. Not much you can do for him," Nicole says.

"Oh, I see. Well, I need to be on my way. I have lots of paperwork to catch up on," Tanya says before bidding her goodbyes and leaving the room.

Just then, Owen's phone rings. He retrieves his phone from the bedside trolley and flips it open.

"Hello, Owen. It's Hiroshi," the voice on the other end says.

Owen gently touches Nicole's arm and puts his hand over the phone's microphone, "Just a minute, Nicole. It's Hiroshi."

"Why is he still alive? What is he saying?" Nicole says.

"Nothing yet. Let me find out," Owen says.

"Surely he must have said something by now. Do you want me to talk to him?" Nicole says.

Owen holds a finger to his lips, "No. Shush."

Nicole reaches for the phone, but Owen slaps her hand away.

"Hiroshi, sorry. There was a delay on the line, but it seems better now. What news do you have for me?" Owen says.

Two dead bodies tied to two chairs, their heads hanging forward, loom in the background. Hiroshi is busy wiping blood spatter from his katana while holding the phone to his ear with his shoulder.

"I questioned two defective members regarding the helicopter. It turns out that they received large sums of money from the Chao Pho criminal organization. A man named Anan, a seasoned assassin for the Chao Pho, commandeered the helicopter," Hiroshi says.

"Chao Pho? Why does it sound so familiar? They are based in Thailand, are they not?" Owen says.

"Yes," Hiroshi says. "You need to walk away from this one, Owen. They own the government in Thailand, and to make matters worse, they have close ties to the Red Wa, the most powerful organized crime gang in Thailand. They possess an army and have unlimited resources. Not even I will stand in their way."

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