7 - Gohan's Training Begins

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She lacked the ability to sense Ki energy from what the boy had mentioned as one of the many lessons he had learned from him. Although it wasn't something she typically cared for as she was more tuned to magic in the first place, perhaps she should at least learn the technique, if only to stop herself from getting a startle when Piccolo landed behind her as she sighed and rested on a chair and getting a slight nap while her student continues his task of improving his magic.



While having lived a far longer life span than a typical human would, Baba made no denial in screaming silencing in fright upon the arrival of the Demon King Piccolo who she now knew to be classified as what would be called as a Namekian from what Satori had said. Her age made her privy for pointless arguments with her brother as well as the big man who manages the dead.

"Enough of your dramatics, witch. How's Satori's progress going?" Piccolo spoke in a firm tone as he looked at the witch adjust herself and ease her breathing before speaking. "I trust his magic has...advanced."

Baba coughed and groaned before sitting on her floating orb which she then used to reach head level with the Namekian, ignoring the child of Goku who he carried with one arm. The dust and marks of battle still present on his clothings while his wounds having partially healed through regeneration. "Quite splendid if I say so myself, there is still much to learn but..."

"I'm guessing you've seen what's happening." Piccolo stated, already knowing the witch having spectated the battle with the Saiyan as well as the new information during the end. "Then you would know that time is essential."

"I know as much, but I suggest you evaluate the boy yourself of his progress. Even in my tutorship, his mind is most creative in using any usable magic for battle." She shook her head at several memories and incidents of the boy breaking several of her artefacts she had required to store elsewhere due to the child's...mishap. "Though, from what I can dwell from Satori's mindset, he seems to have plans to learn something else regarding certain magics which I had lectured towards, towards a certain person you know."

"Meaning?" Piccolo grunted out.


"Hm." The Namekian immediately knew what she was talking about when the name left her mouths. "Telekinesis..." it was an ability that came from a psychological level of the wielder, although how they obtained such power could never be truly explained. That is not to say that no one can unlock such ability, it is possible to do so with both Ki and magic, telepathy being an example which the boy had gotten a grasp on being until it was similar to being nonchalant. "Although, what Satori can learn from him is a different matter." He had full confidence that in a battle, Satori would defeat Chiaotzu regardless of the boy happened to use tricks. Yet he wouldn't prevent him from learning new things if it improved their odds in any scenarios. There was also the matter of the boy having ideas which was basically not only from this world and therefore caused Piccolo to hum in acknowledgement. 'A possible technique which can be achieved through learning telekinesis. An interesting prospect if nothing else.'

Returning his thoughts back to the witch, he looked at the building which she lived I. And tilted his head at the location. "Where Satori, I can't sense him inside?"

"Ah," Baba sighed and shook her head before pointing at another location which led to another location entirely. "He wanted to test out how heavy he could lift with only magic somewhere out there." She shrugged, "If anything, I can conclude my tutoring to be over for the time being till he requires more, of course with payment up front."

Piccolo gave a slight scoff, although not declining the offer for the boy, "The next time he requires your teachings, it would be through his own payments." With such a statement, the Namekian turned around and prepared to fly before halting and turning his head slightly to glance back. "Does Satori know what's going on at all?"

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