Eight days later

37 1 1

I still sit in this trees house realizing my parents are gone and I'll probably never see them again and my food is limited........ How long can I survive?.......

I here noise outside but footstep.....wait..everyone's.. Dead aren't they? At least that's what I thought but as I peek my little yellowish eye through a tiny hole what do I see.

A man a younger but grown man why is he here? Will he hurt me? Should I help him? Ask him if he can help me? All these questions flow through my head just as I here the voice

"Anyone here!!" He whistles keeping his voice steady

Should I answer?

He wonders around my backyard and a few minutes pass and soon he walk into my house.

I climb down from my tree house hiding behind my tree hoping to get a better view. I look through my kitchen window not seeing him as I turn back around I see him walking to go in my tree house and step out.

"Wait you can't go in there!!!"

I bite my lip as his eyes focus on me

"And why cant I go on there" he questions me

" because its mine,don't go up there" I say


I nod "Okay Thank you"

Me an the man sit in silence for some seconds before he finally opens his mouth again

"Have you been out here all by yourself since this has begun ?"he ask me

" I have been out here all by myself since it started, my father....." I begun but stop myself because I don't want him to hurt me since my father is the one that started this i think.

"I just want help finding my mother" I say because even though she's dead I still want to find her she's my mother and I love her. I look at the guy straight in the eyes and smile really weakly.

I watch as the guy shakes his head slightly then looks back at me "Yeah I mean I can help."

"Well just I....iii...I'll just get my things and the little food I have can you help?"

He nods

I nod my head and begin second thinking everything I just did like should I have asked him too help? Should I have let him know I was here? Should I have let him know I was out here all by myself since it started? All these things flow through my head as I go to open my back door and let myself in. I need to get my old school bag what else am I gonna use to stick some of my supply's in?

I open my back door seeing the house a little messer than before...... The front door open now though hmm? I walk too the stairs running up there and grab my bag and two tee shirts, two pairs of pants, one pair of socks and panties, and a pair of shoes. I shove everything I just grab in the bag and throw the bag over my shoulders.

"Bye" I whisper as I am just leaving my house

I walk down the stairs and stop at a counter were our phone lies and it beeps beside it is a family photo then a photo of my mother.

I push the button on the phone too listen too the messages and I grab both pictures and examine the family one for some seconds then pull my bag off my shoulders placing them in the bag.

One of the messages I here is "The chemicals that spilled on you won't hurt you or harm any of the people around you" I shake my head in disappointment and push the button again too stop it.

I then step back and start walking towards the door and I smile when I see the that the man was waiting by the door.

"Hey by the way my names Samuel" he smiles

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