Just Disappear

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*Clem's POV*
My head lays back on the chair as I just heard what Jace has done in the past it kinda scared me to know that I'm in a house maybe I should go be on my own.
But he's changed ?
I think ?
Maybe I should go ?
I know I shouldn't do anything but sleep and maybe eat a little but its killing me inside knowing he's did that why did he? He had no right its against the law and that's why he got in trouble.
This life is difficult but its how we have to live.
I wake up and look outside its dark really dark and I thought a lot about have earlier, I'm gonna go....
I grab my backpack and then grab the butter knife I have had since all this started.
I will be fine though. I can find more people have them help we can be a group trust in each other and help each other.
I then sit up in the chair and stand up to go out the door. I open the door slowly and walk out closing the door behind me slowly and quietly making sure not to make a sound so I don't wake him exspecially since I don't know if he wakes up really easy... Maybe he does.
I then look straight ahead of me and see a orange cat so I bend down and put my fingers out.
"Here kitty..."
The cat runs up to me and sniffed my fingers then hisses and I stand up quickly not wanting it to bite me because I mean anything is possible I mean it can kill me.


I walk down the road me and Samuel was walking on to get to this house maybe I can get somewhere or I can just go back home.... I need to go back home my mom and dad could come I wouldn't be there they'd worry...I know what happened to them but maybe it's only temporary...and I could hug them again and be in there arms again...
I would do anything to be in there arms right now.
Maybe it is meet to be like this maybe I was suppose to loose them maybe I am suppose to support myself now and be alone to get independent and gain faith...
Maybe good wanted me to be here maybe I'm going to Hell and that's why he left me.
Do I believe him in him ?
Should I ?!?!?
I walk alone for what seems like hours but only looks like its been an hour I'm starting to second guess again.
What if Samuel thinks he fails?
What if he hurts himself?
What if he dies?
All of them could happen and it would be all my fault I would be the reason it happened and I can't hurt people its not whats suppose to happen we are all suppose to try and survive together not alone because we cant make it alone anymore no one can its impossible it has to be what should I do
Keep walking?
Go back and stay with Samuel ?
If I keep going I can get hurt run out of food and if my parents never come back I'd be alone I'd never be loved.. Cared for I need something to keep me going to make me fight and Samuel would push me I'd make him. He'd have to and I'd know he'd understand.
But if I go back then he can care for me help me teach me to survive teach me to be better how to be what I am suppose to be in this would....how to kill...how to hurt people....I'd never be alone he'd always be with me.....we'd fine food together... Help other people together be leaders.....
I could end everything myself I have a knife and I food that if I end it for my self someone else that needs it more can have it. I'd be with my mom and dad maybe....? Samuel wouldn't have to worry about me no one would not even myself.
What do I do...
Do I hurt people
Do I not ? //Guys I'm so sorry I have not updated in so long I lost the chapter I was writing because my Tablet broke and then I started school and I've been trying to keep up with grades and with choir I want to be good so I mostly sang but I know I'm fine now and the first concert is over.... But we are getting ready to start another so with me luck in this one.....Well IM SO SORRY!!//

Broken in this worldDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora